Saturday, February 6, 2010

Why Unemployment Isn't So Bad: A Mix Tape

I guess it can be depressing to be unemployed. You can’t go speed dating because you’d fail on the “what do you do for a living?” question. You can’t buy useless things like frog cookie jars or pirate wine holders. You have no one to hang out with during the day because all of your friends are at work getting ahead in life. You never leave the house. Your pajamas have become a part of your body. You look like moldy old bread because you don’t shower.One of my friends is starting a new job on Monday after being unemployed for several months. At first I was happy to hear the news. And then after getting off the phone, I started feeling bad for him. All those months he felt like he wasn’t good enough to have a job, a loser if you will. What a waste! He was living the dream and didn’t even know it.

Being unemployed brings happiness. We need to acknowledge this. You get paid by the government. Your parents still send you checks on your birthday and other holidays. You don’t have to worry about what to wear in the morning. You don’t even have to get out of bed in the morning. You’re not a slave to coffee. You are always free to go to parties. You can go out on weeknights and not regret it in the morning. You are your own boss. You can blog all day long. No photocopying. No paper cuts. You can play boardgames or Wii. You can have cool hobbies. No one can call you a suit or a sellout. You don’t have to drive during rush hour. Your lunch break can be longer than an hour.  You don’t have any co-workers gossiping in your kitchen.

Makes it seem like life without a job isn’t so bad afterall. I’ve come up with a very short list of songs to listen to if you find yourself without a job. I guarantee you will feel better about sitting around in your bathrobe all day.

1. Dead Kennedys “Take This Job and Shove It”

2. Disney’s Cinderella “Work Song”

3. Billy Talent “Worker Bees”

4. Dead Kennedys “At My Job”

I could go on, but I think you get the point. Plus I was running out of Dead Kennedys hits. Any inspiring songs you’d like to share with those desperately seeking work and feeling miserable about being unemployed?


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