Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dawn of a new day

Another day, I wake with  a positive frame of mind, maybe today is THE day.

Some days however really do feel like groundhog day, I get up, the job search begins.  Eight or 9 hours later, its the end of yet another unsuccessful day, still no job.

Now I know there are people who will say that I must be fussy, I must be able to get A job, just any job. Well as I have discovered, through a very long and often depressing process. Just ANY  job is actually difficult to get. For example, even cleaning jobs I have seen in my area require expereience. What hope is there for someone like me who is willing to take on any form of employment (within reason of course), so I can pay my bills and survive? I refuse to get hand outs in the form of benefits, I believe I am capable of working for my income.

[Via http://amiunemployable.wordpress.com]

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