So winter quarter is about to end. I just got out of my last official class of the quarter. I have a 9am crit on Monday morning for my Flash website, and I have to pass in a cardboard chair as well.. and see if it will hold my teacher.. but other than that. I’m done.
I’m having a love/hate relationship with the end of this quarter. I’m glad to be through with the work, but I’m a little sad to see the boy leave. Again, I’m trying not to be too attached because there are so many ways this could all go horribly wrong.. or just generally not work out, but I’m also be optimistic.
This quarter has been a weird one. I definitely learned a lot from my classes and the projects I had to do. I even like some of my work enough to be motivated to fix my portfolio and apply for summer jobs. I thought I wasn’t going to try to get a real job this summer, but I decided if I can get more experience and get paid.. then I should probably try for that. If not I’ll probably bounce back and forth from Roc to DC. Work at financial aid here for a few weeks then go back down there and party until I run out of money.. haha.
The quarter was weird for me socially too. My life is a little different now, and I don’t do different well, but I’m working on it. I have a few stable elements in my social life, so I’m just holding on to those and letting the rest work itself out.
I’ll probably do a post with some of my projects from the quarter soon.. or if I’m really ambitious I’ll get my portfolio updated and post that.
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