The people that are going to buy our house. I can feel it in my water.
There’s just time to dash off a quick post before I run round like a mad woman beautifying, hiding evidence and generally making the place look desirable.
I’ve got more hight hopes than normal for this lot becasue the agent contacted us a few weeks ago to see if you would be prepared to doa part exchange for a house in Bacup..
“Bacup? *snort* I don’t think so.”
Anyway, against all odds they’ve managed to sell their house and are dead keen to get a look at ours. These are the ones who were desperate enough to want to come during the week when it was dark. I can feel it in my water, I tell you.
Funny. When we bought the new car I said to B, “just watch, as soon as we get a 4wD we’ll sell the house and won’t need it. What are we waiting for, get a new car bought!”
Since then we’ve had a positive stream (well, more like a trickle, really) of viewers.
N has indeed fallen on his feet on the job front. He’ll be leaving home next week to go and work in a live in job in Bolton in a hotel that’s just been taken over by one of his friends. Told you, once things happen, they happen quickly. We’ll sell this house today or I’ll eat my computer!!
On a less positive note: my 50th birthday is getting scarily close. People keep asking me what I’m going to do to celebrate it but I can’t work up any enthusiasm. Sticking my head in the sand and lying about my age seem to be favourite at the moment. Of course when you consider the other what the alternatives to reaching 50 are, I’ll take the birthday, thanks. Just don’t expect me to do it with good grace.
26-year-old Andrew Benton does not expect to hold a traditional 9-to-5 job unless he starts his own business again, and he is not overly concerned on the recession’s longterm effect on his career. Whatever you make of this attitude, Benton is arguably the prototype of the new and perhaps ideal worker in the post-recession economy.
You have to be a bit of an idealist to become an entrepreneur
Most people tend to think realistically or want to reason why they aren’t capable of starting a business. Others take the risk. But do people become entrepreneurs for the wrong reasons? When thinking about starting a business people get stuck to obvious barriers.
What if I can’t get any customers?
If you can focus your resources on the things you like, the only possible outcome is that you become good at what you do. This can’t be ignored by the customers. People prefer services from professionals. But more importantly, people want to buy services from people who love what they do.
I need steady money to pay for my expenses
The steady money is not a real need. People think they need money to maintain a quality of living. You have to understand that quality of living isn’t about money. It is about your happiness and the happiness of people around you. And that can’t be bought.
I don’t like the extra paperwork
None of this matters if you set your target high enough. Think of the energy you have for your job if you can concentrate on the things you like. There really are people who love accounting. If you outsource your accounting you’re helping two people to be happy.
The funny thing is.. When i opened this tab. I knew what i was going to write but when I started my mind just went blank.
Today is a very important day, it could be life changing. It could in the future drive me crazy. I really am not a fan of what ifs so i do everything as they come along and most of the times I don’t let things just pass me by. There may be instances that I may be naive, but i just don’t see bad things or criticize first before knowing what something truly is.
Oh my goodness where is my brain. I have been floating in oblivion and I just stare at the monitor cross eyed. Snap out of it yann! hahahaha I’m going crazy.
I should just end this i think and mentally prepare myself for later. could this be my big break?
(oh about the announcement i guess i’m just gonna have to delay it a few more days March 1 perhaps ?)
The Toronto Star recently ran an article discussing a report released by the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (CFAIA) and the Canadian Labour Congress.
I could critique the usual fear-mongering and misuse of statistics in their report, or postulate on why a labour union was involved in its creation. However, I think a more useful approach is to focus on feminism as a whole.
In their earliest forms, feminism and women’s liberation were noble movements. They sought to give women equality, legal autonomy, self-determination, and freedom of choice in a broad range of topics from reproduction to employment. However, in more recent years, the agenda of feminist activists seems to have less to do with giving disadvantaged women a hand up and more to do with giving them a handout.
Activists wail and beat their drums, blaming everything from men to weapons to government for the plight of subjugated women everywhere. They ignore the fact that portraying women as helpless victims of society undermines the entire concept of feminism. They also ignore the fact that men and women are different. While striving for total equality is noble, it’s also a pipe dream. Men and women are not equal and they never will be. There are very definite physical, emotional and mental differences between the sexes. Some roles in our society are better suited to women, others to men, and no amount of government initiatives will ever alter that fact.
Should women have the opportunity to tackle any societal role that they choose? Absolutely. However, so should men. While there are still traditionally male-dominated areas where it’s difficult, if not impossible, for a woman to break through, the same holds true for men.
This brings up another concept that modern feminist activists refuse to acknowledge: that men suffer too. In their world, violence or discrimination against a woman is a human rights abuse, but violence or discrimination against a man is just normal. The divisive tactics used by feminist activists show that they have another agenda that has nothing to do with bettering the lives of women. If they were truly interested in bettering our society, they would be looking at ways to improve the quality of life for everyone, not just women.
Taking a slightly different tack, in the Star article I mentioned above, wage parity (or lack thereof) in Canadian society is mentioned. I’m not going to touch on the fact that the professor quoted in the article is focussing only on wages as an indicator of quality of life. Instead I’m going to point out how feminist activists, as usual, fail to take into consideration 3 very key issues that cause such a discrepancy in earnings: choice, childbearing and communication.
Many women simply choose not to go into higher paying (and traditionally male-dominated) fields. The reasons are many and varied: it may be a career that is better suited to men, women just aren’t interested, or if they are in the field they’re unwilling to do what’s necessary to earn their place. You see, equal opportunity isn’t something that can come from government handouts or special committees. Like men, women need to push through obstacles on their own and prove that they are capable of doing the job.
I’ve worked in a male-centric field my entire adult-life and I’ve encountered many seemingly “backward” or “sexist” attitudes along the way. I know my male readers are going to love this, but men really are like children They will regularly push the boundaries to see what they can get away with. Women planning to work in a mostly male environment need to learn how to thrive in that environment. There are many tricks and tools that are far more effective than crying “harassment” and seeking disciplinary action. Gaining acceptance isn’t about running to management to complain that your male co-workers aren’t playing nice and trying to demand their respect simply because of your gender. It’s about earning their respect based on merit.
Connected to Choice is the second item I mentioned: Childbearing. In 60% of two-earner families, one partner works full-time while the other either doesn’t work, or works part-time. In 91% of those families, the man is the primary breadwinner. [Source: Statistics Canada, Family Work Patterns] It’s pretty simple. Women who have children work less, which means they have less work experience than their male co-workers, which means they will earn less.
I can already hear people complaining that women are being “punished” for having children. Quite the contrary, it’s actually very equal. Like their male co-workers, they’re being paid based on their recent relevant work experience, rather than being given a handout simply for being female.
My last point is communication. Many a book has been written outlining the differences in communication styles between men and women. In general, men tend to be more direct and ask for what they want. Women tend to use a more subtle approach.
Over the years I’ve seen the following scenario happen time and again, not so much in unionized employment, but definitely in the private sector: Joe and Jane start working in the same job at the same company at the same time earning the same wage. Five years later, they’re both in the same job, but Joe is now earning more than Jane. Another 5 years down the road, Jane is still in the same job, earning only slightly more than when she started, while Joe has been promoted and received a raise…twice!
The modern feminist would have us believe that this is a perfect example of inequality in the workplace. On the contrary, it’s a perfect example of a skill that women need to be taught in order to be successful in the workplace. Why is Joe doing so much better in the company in Jane? Because he asked. Women will toil away at a job for years, expecting their boss to notice their hard work and offer them a raise or promotion. Men will simply go to their boss and ask for it.
Much progress has been made in the quest for women’s rights over the last 200 years. Laws have been made and repealed; cultural norms have been challenged and changed. Government legislation has gone about as far as it can go. It’s now up to women to pick up the flag and run with it themselves.
Instead of undermining their own efforts by portraying women as victims, feminists need to start taking a more positive and proactive approach. Rather than wasting their time and energy lobbying for sympathy and handouts, they should be teaching women the skills they need to succeed.
Another day, I wake with a positive frame of mind, maybe today is THE day.
Some days however really do feel like groundhog day, I get up, the job search begins. Eight or 9 hours later, its the end of yet another unsuccessful day, still no job.
Now I know there are people who will say that I must be fussy, I must be able to get A job, just any job. Well as I have discovered, through a very long and often depressing process. Just ANY job is actually difficult to get. For example, even cleaning jobs I have seen in my area require expereience. What hope is there for someone like me who is willing to take on any form of employment (within reason of course), so I can pay my bills and survive? I refuse to get hand outs in the form of benefits, I believe I am capable of working for my income.
I’ve said it before, this economy blows. The hub owns a business that when he started was crazy, no…INSANELY lucrative.
Anyhoo, we have struggled, we have skimmed by, we have good months & bad and it makes my hair white.
white is not good.
especially when they appear from just below one’s right ear like the one I plucked just yesterday. How cruel is that?
Okay, back to my point…
A job was brought to the Hub’s attention a few weeks ago by a friend. We searched the internet for the possible listing to no avail until today. Today it was there. So you know what I did today? I prayed. Alot. And wrote up a fancy shmancy new resume for my hubby and faxed it on over. (who really faxes anymore…?) So now we wait. There was no time line for when they will be making a decision and I do not know the protocol for this type of thing…do we call? do we visit? do we…..fax?
That is all I know to do so that is what I will do. Alot. And I pray that THIS is the road I have been begging Jesus to show us. That this is the opportunity that can get us back onto stable ground. That this is the direction that ceases the white hairs from sprouting out of odd places on my head. (in the mean time thanking God for my magnifying mirror)
I sincerely hope that I can follow up very soon with am answer to my prayers. And I really really hope that the answer involves trains. (yeah, I said trains.)
I am at a crossroads. Down one path is a continuation of my current existence – job, stress, frustration, familiarity, financial comfort. Down the other path is something new – unknown, risky, freeing, testing. Though I am entirely fed up with my job, it is still what I know, and I continue to allow the abuse. The fear of the unknown is almost worse.
But I am reminded of C.S. Lewis’ take on progress. Progress is getting nearer to what you want, and if you’ve taken a wrong turn, it is more progressive to turn around and walk back to the right road than to continue forging ahead in the wrong direction.
I do feel like I’ve ended up on the wrong path, but I’m not even sure I know where the right road is. So turning around? That’s scary. Unknown. Somewhat directionless. But continuing on? That’s hurtful. I don’t know how much more I can take at my job. But I know it. I know the hurt; I can cope with the hurt.
My thinking seems backwards. Staying, making excuses. But still wanting something different. Change. Value.
I am at a crossroads. I am caught in the middle. I want guidance, direction, faith. To leave the familiar takes faith. It is stepping out into the unknown. It is trusting the outcome to Someone else, even if that’s God! The control is out of my hands. I am called to have faith. To step out. Take a leap of faith, trusting that God catches us when we fall. Trusting that something bigger and better is after leaping. Trusting enough to jump when it’s into an unknown.
That’s scary. But it’s also needed. Because I do want progress, and leaping into the unknown might be the best way back to the right path.
Little do you know, I have many, many things to talk about. I’ve got a good number of drafts prepared already.
Just. You. Wait.
I’ve got just a bit of time, though, so I’ve selected what might be one of the easiest drafts to elaborate on.
This week has been a difficult one at work. I’m employed at a place called C-Systems Software. We supply blank invoices, shop work order forms, envelopes, printer ribbons yadda yadda, and (of course) software. Our software is really our specialty, as it was created by us. We supply an inventory and sales software to power equipment companies.
I’m the shipper/receiver of the company, so I rarely dabble in anything other than processing orders and receiving PO’s. But it’s been a bit difficult to do even that this week.
See, the top dogs decided it was time we update our phone system. Because of this, all the wires and chords and log-ins… pretty much everything that enables us to do our jobs, has been on the fritz. Nothing has worked properly, or for very long at a time.
I suppose it’s because of this that I’ve been allowed to go on some field-trips this week. Yesterday I took the company truck to get it’s inspection renewed. I drove about fifteen minutes down the highway to a shady place called “Ten Minute Inspection”. Shady, but the employees there were nice anyways. (But it was a twenty minute inspection, so really they should have offered me a discount…) Anyways, it was a nice trip to take in-between much frustration of not being able to do my job.
Today I went on another trip, this time with the lady in accounting, to SAM’S Club. We needed some new snacks for the vending machine, TP for the bathrooms, and gasoline for the previously inspected truck.
Today’s trip to SAM’S was shorter than the last- only about an hour. But it’s nice to get out for even that amount of time, especially when Kathy (aforementioned lady in accounting) likes to take her time and look for some personal buys.
You know, I once even got to go to Frye’s to get some hard drives that were on sale…
So I’ve come to the conclusion that being the “little guy” of a company really isn’t that bad. A lot of times people misperceive the job of the little guy as one full of tedious jobs that the “big guys” don’t want to do. And that is true, in a way. It’s not my idea of fun to change ceiling tiles that have become stained and moldy due to water leaks. Nor do I enjoy replacing 6 foot long light bulbs in slots that are so old, the bulbs have been known to slip and go crashing to the floor.
But just when the week gets ridiculous, when not even I, the one with least amount of work to do (excluding the receptionist) can do his job, I get called upon to take a trip. To do something outside of the work place. To get some fresh air. To see sun. To escape the confines of a cubicle and set my sights on something other than a computer screen.
Being the little guy has it’s perks.
If you’re low on the totem pole like myself, but without the pleasures of a few field trips, then I’m sorry. Next time you’re asked to put lights in the “EXIT” signs, offer to pick up some more. Just in case those puppies don’t last.
I have an awesome idea for a reality TV project, but I don’t know the first thing about how to bring it to fruition or how to get it produced. What’s my first move?
Dear Judge Jillian Bachelor:
First things first . . . The term “Reality” is so 2000 and late. “2000 and late,” however, is still totally far out. “Reality” is now referred to as “Non-scripted.”
Okay, then. Development executives, as a collective, have heard it all; one of their top priorities is filling their calendars with (a large number of non-scripted) pitches.
ANGLE ON DESK CALENDAR – “Mtg w/J. Kamp. SOS (Same Old Shit). 3:45-3:50PM. Btr brng vnla latte.”
Your first move is certain: Make sure that your awesome idea is not simply awesome, but also original! Otherwise, you are wasting everybody’s time and spinning your wheels. Selling “The Littlest Groom” takes contacts and kick-backs.
If you want to see fat chicks lose weight on a farm instead of a ranch, forget it.
Guy marrying a girl for her parents’ money (which he’s totally not gonna get in the end – oh, snap!)? Next.
Young hookers and idiot meat-heads trying to act on a show called “Next”? An additional example please.
A black-belt jujitsu pro and wild-animal trainer, who lives on the Oregon Trail with wolves during the week and wins tournaments on the weekends? It’s all been done. They’ve heard it al- Wait a minute. That one has NOT been done. And that’s what you’re after, my friend. Check. Yo. Self.
If you are friends with that guy, who is television-ready and hasn’t been mauled in the last four years, you may have yourself an awesome and original idea. Find that guy . . .
So winter quarter is about to end. I just got out of my last official class of the quarter. I have a 9am crit on Monday morning for my Flash website, and I have to pass in a cardboard chair as well.. and see if it will hold my teacher.. but other than that. I’m done.
I’m having a love/hate relationship with the end of this quarter. I’m glad to be through with the work, but I’m a little sad to see the boy leave. Again, I’m trying not to be too attached because there are so many ways this could all go horribly wrong.. or just generally not work out, but I’m also be optimistic.
This quarter has been a weird one. I definitely learned a lot from my classes and the projects I had to do. I even like some of my work enough to be motivated to fix my portfolio and apply for summer jobs. I thought I wasn’t going to try to get a real job this summer, but I decided if I can get more experience and get paid.. then I should probably try for that. If not I’ll probably bounce back and forth from Roc to DC. Work at financial aid here for a few weeks then go back down there and party until I run out of money.. haha.
The quarter was weird for me socially too. My life is a little different now, and I don’t do different well, but I’m working on it. I have a few stable elements in my social life, so I’m just holding on to those and letting the rest work itself out.
I’ll probably do a post with some of my projects from the quarter soon.. or if I’m really ambitious I’ll get my portfolio updated and post that.
My phones back on! My phones back on! My phones back on!
Well, its been on for a little while, but not long enough to fully bask in its reactivated glory before acquiring job number four. I’ll get to that in a nano, though, I have a comment or two about resurrected my texti first.
I must say I was strikingly disappointed at how anti-climactic the procedure of turning it on ended up being. After the payment processed electronically, a single message was sent to my email confirming the receiving of adequate funds. Then nothing.
No cascade of backed up text messages overflowing my inbox. No lost voice messages appearing again out of the ether. No new video messages unwatched and awaiting my moderation. After three months, nothing was saved in any sort of backup server by my carrier service, though I’d hoped desperately to see what anyone trying to contact me had wanted, or said discovering my unavailability. What’s lost is lost, though.
Sorry, I’ve digressed. The point of this transmission is to let you know my about my most recent occupation, and the physical hardships that accompany it.
Today is my third day on the job as a removalist. Not professional by any means; I may have the stamina and the creativity to perform well, but I hardly possess the fortitude or even strength needed to make a living out of moving people’s personal belongings. I guess you could say its more of a PBO gig, though I’m not really the owner of what I move either.
I’ve been helping the Magnate family in their hastened exodus from Newport Beach. Packing, lifting, carrying, loading, unloading, carrying again, setting down and unpacking. The past 50 hours or so have been expended with this seemingly never ending process of transplanting the delicate furniture and personal effects that have surrounded them for years.
I’m in the middle of distributing the cases and cardboard boxes containing most of that matter to the various quarters they belong to. I don’t have much time before the final large load comes and the rental carryall needs to be returned, so I won’t go into too much detail. But since today was the first day they actually had keys to get inside their new home, the bulk of the moving has been done in he past few hours.
The fridge, beds, gigantic teli screen and baby grand piano were all moved already today, just to name a few of the larger things. The kind of ancient baby grand piano that weighs at least a ton and requires a whole gang of people to carry. The kind of fridge that could be oozing with deadly Freon as we speak. And the kind of television that can’t be laid flat, it has to remain upright to prevent the light crystals from resettling.
To ensure it’s safety, I had to ride in the cargo bay of the carryall with a full load of the heaviest items. It wasn’t a particularly intimidating task at first sight, it even kind of looked comfy in there, on top of a pad of pillows and blankets between a vertical stack of mattress and the precious teli screen. I brought my texti, to keep in contact with the much safer riders in the cabin, and an old scratched up tuni that I used in lieu of a proper, more modern media player. The 7-mile trip wouldn’t be too long, I was mostly only afraid of being bored along the way.
It started off calm enough. It was a nice break from the lifting–nestled into a stack of comforters–I almost felt like sleeping, I was so relaxed. Well, ‘was’ being the pivotal word there. It wasn’t long at all into the drive that the already loosely packed contents of the giant, silvery hold began to gyrate and jostle about. That massive king-sized headboard looming above my head looked more menacing with each bump and dip in the road.
The speed picked up. I wouldn’t really even say we were traveling that quickly, just a little bit above the pace we’d maintained on what I assumed were the neighborhoods and side streets. Nonetheless, a jolt of feeble acceleration informed me that we were on a freeway. The heavy, wooden bed piece above sagged further into impending view. I sighed, knowing I couldn’t wait for the Magnates in the cabin to bring the cumbersome truck to a halt; I’d have to act on it quickly.
Metal wobbled and wood creaked around me. As I moved into position, a mattress close by shifted and let loose the Damocles headboard it kept upright. So much for getting ready, I leapt forward and threw my weight against the falling object before it could come crashing down on the fragile cargo. I hoped I was sturdier than the silicon and plastic I’d sworn to protect.
For the rest of the trek I sat perched against it, pinning the huge piece of wood against the forward end of the cargo hold. It seemed like forever before the harrowing journey came to an end, and at long last the rental truck stopped. That is, before it pulled away from the Martian-run strawberry stand on the side of the road and continued to our final destination.
I’d love to be able to just lay down right now and sleep. There’s so many more things to carry and so many stairs between where they need to go. If only there were some way that I could recharge and lift at the same time, but there aren’t any that I know of. Instead I’ll just push through the hunger and the delirium a little longer until someone comes to relieve me. And they better hurry up soon, otherwise there won’t be anything left for them to move.
Wait, I think I hear air breaks squeaking outside. That must be Mr. Magnate with his final load, I better go help them get it off the truck before I can even think about setting anything else down.
Duty Station : Malang, Yogyakarta, Bandung
Responsible to : Biogas Provincial Coordinator
Coordinates with IDBP Program staff at national level, Hivos Program Officer, Technical Advisors, support staff, Provincial and District Government and partners
Duration : March 1, 2010 to 30 September 2010 (extension possible)
Closing date : 20 February 2010
Since 15 May 2009, Hivos is running the Indonesia Domestic Biogas Programme. This programme is undertaken in close cooperation with SNV Netherlands Development organisation.
The overall objective of the proposed national programme on domestic biogas in Indonesia is to disseminate domestic bio-digesters as a local, sustainable energy source through the development of a commercial, market oriented sector in selected provinces.
The Provincial Biogas Programme Offices of the Indonesia Domestic Biogas Programme are main players in the development of the biogas sector in their respective provinces. Each provincial office will have a team that implements the programme, together with other local stakeholder organisations and local governments. The leading person in the Provincial Biogas Programme Office (PBPO) is the Provincial Biogas Coordinator (PBC) whereas there will be other staff as well. One of the positions in the team is Biogas Quality Inspector (BI). Under the close supervision of PBC and instruction of Biogas Technical Officer (BTO) from National Biogas Program Support Office (NBPSO) in Jakarta, the BI takes the responsibility of quality construction of biogas plants and necessary technical backstopping to the CPO staff. Major responsibilities include maintaining quality of plant construction, technical training to the staff and technical monitoring of the plants. The scope of the activities can be detailed more in-depth as follows:
• Take the responsibility of maintaining quality plant construction and after-sales services by CPOs;
• Visit plant construction sites regularly. All plants constructed in the assigned province needs to be visited for quality control;
• Fill up quality control forms correctly and accurately and send to NBPSO for records;
• Take immediate action if plants are not constructed as per approved standards;
• Address the issue of any technical problems faced by users or report it to BTO;
• Provide feedbacks/ advices regularly to CPO staff and masons on technical improvement;
• Follow exactly the instruction and process of quality control and reporting system approved by NBPSO;
• Arrange/ provide mason/supervisors training in the provinces coordinating local CPOs;
• Provide reports and/or any feedbacks to PBS and BTO on technical matters;
• Act as biogas technical focal person in the province;
• Carry any other assignment as and when requires.
• D3 Degree in civil engineering;
• At least two years of experience working in construction, supervision, training or similar jobs;
• Able to frequent field visit and driving motorcycle;
• Good communication / human relation skills ;
• Biogas experience (desired);
Applicants should send a CV and a cover letter to: with reference code ‘vac BI Biogas’. Applications are requested by 20 February 2010; thereafter the position will remain open until filled. This post open for Indonesian nationality only.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Theme: No matter what you do, do it to serve God and others.
Scripture: John 13: 3-5
Most kids have an idea what job they might like to have. Do you? Some jobs look like they would be more fun than others. Perhaps you’d like to be a pilot, or a race car driver. Would you like to care for animals, or sell ice cream, or build houses, or work in a bakery? There are so many different jobs and we’re very fortunate in our country to be able to choose whatever job we want. Some jobs involve hard work; others require many years of training and education. Some bring lots of money, some make you famous. Some jobs are hardly ever recognized. What sort of job would you like?
What do you think would be the best job in the whole world? Being a professional football player, who makes a lot of money? Or would you like to be a movie star, who is rich and famous? Or the President of the United States who has an Army, Navy and an Air Force all ready to do what he orders? What about being God? He’s the master of the universe.
What do you think is the worst job in the world? Cleaning bathrooms? Collecting trash? Or perhaps being a shoe salesman who has to deal with smelly feet all day.
Feet can become very dirty, can’t they? Especially when you wear sandals or no shoes at all, and where there are no paved streets, just dirt roads. The people of Jesus’ time had a way to deal with dirty feet. The family servant would wash the feet of those who came to visit for dinner. It was a dirty, smelly, unpleasant job.
But, Jesus, who was the Son of God, knelt un front of his friends, and washed their feet. He had the best job in the world and the worst. When he finished washing his followers’ feet, he told them, “You call me Teacher and Lord, and so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher has washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”
No matter what job you choose to do, when you do it with a servant’s heart, you are richly rewarded in God’s kingdom.
Instructors are responsible for teaching a weeklong art class to children ages 8 to 14.
We are looking for talented, professional artists with exceptional teaching skills.
-Experience working with and teaching children ages 8 to 14
-Must be a professional artist with broad background
-Proven ability in visual arts
-Have new and exciting ideas for an art class
The program is about art but must be fun as well!
Additional Information
Along with a resume and cover letter, please send a brief proposal outlining your ideas for a class.
Send your resume, cover letter and proposal to by February 28th, 2010.
Employment offer is conditional upon receipt of a Criminal Records Search, Vulnerable Sector Screening.
Thank you to all applicants. Note that only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Artsmartz is a children’s art camp that focuses on fun and creativity! The program is run through Neilson Park Creative Centre (NPCC), a not for profit creative arts facility located in Etobicoke.
Good morning readers. We will return to Movie Saturday next weekend. I just wanted to write something real quick telling you what is going on with this blog and my life.
As most of you know, I lost my job on Dec. 3 2009. I was unemployed for two months, up until a couple days ago. I got a job on Feb. 1o, 2010, and started the next day. It isn’t the most ideal job, but I think God put me there for some reason. That reason, well… I don’t know yet. For now, I can say I have a paycheck and that I am contributing financially to my marriage.
So, with this new job, my time to be able to blog has gone down. I plan on scheduling several blog posts at once, on different days, to keep this blog going. This blog has been a blessing to me. I have met several interesting people, and I don’t want that to end.
Anyway readers, that is a small update for now.
Until next time, God Bless!
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Okay, I know I’m still a Jobseeker just like all of you. I don’t really have the capacity to write this topic in my blog. But still, I just wanna share my experience to all of you regarding job application. Thank God, since I graduated till now, I always pass the first test of the job application which is the administration test. As for the second test, I did pass several, but I just wanna share. So, here I’d like to share my experiences regarding the very first step and the second step of job application. Here we go!
CV / Resume making
Okay, first keep in mind that making your CV as long as you can is not the best option. I know probably you are super talented since you were born, but honestly? The HR Department would think that your CV is super tiresome to read. So, just make your CV as short and comprehensive as you can. One to Three pages is enough.
Keep also in mind that:
1. You need to highlight only the experiences that matters the most and relevantly relevant to the job your applying *if you have lotsa experiences that is*. Take a note that the experiences that matters the most is the experiences you gather since high school till you graduate and not the experiences since you were a preschoolers.
2. Don’t forget to put your Interest and Hobbies. Why? because from these sections, they’ll know what kinda person you are when you have leisure times. Again, be yourself.
3. Working and/or organizational skills + GPA > 3.3 will definitely smoothen your way to the next round.
4. Great picture of yourself. Beautiful is a feeling, people would notice if you’re feeling beautiful. As for boys, feel proud and great. This will affect the result of the picture.
5. Go proofreading. Just like essays, CV needs to be understandable for the HR people. Before you send the CV, ask your friends whether they understand what you’re writing in your CV or not. If the CV is only understandable by you and not by most of your friends, then most likely the CV wouldn’t be understandable either to the HR people.
Aptitude Test
Usually the second step of the job application is Aptitude Test. The Aptitude Test has several kinds of it. But most of the companies I have applied (Sampoerna, Kraft, and Unilever) uses Verbal, Logical, and Numerical Reasoning Test.
You could use some practices in: or
Well, that’s all for the tips for now! Hopefully these informations would do great in your lives!
Those who know me, know that I am never short on things to say, so I guess this is a good way to vent my thoughts without having to force anybody to actually listen to them.
For those who don’t know me, I will give a brief outline. I grew up in Australia, moved to the US when I was 20 for University, and have remained here since. I graduated about 7 months ago, and since then have experienced what may or may not become known as the ‘depression of 2008′ or the ‘financial meltdown’ or ‘the sub-prime, mortgage-crash, over-lending, over-borrowing, banks and the federal reserve were probably too liberal in their lending policies post-9/11 in order to try and ensure that there wasn’t a financial breakdown, people spend a little too much on credit, we’re too reliant on oil and when it gets expensive we have problems, thing of 2008-10′. It’s probably not going to be the last one, but it maybe makes the most sense. I have very supportive family and a great living situation that has allowed me to be selective with jobs and to do things that I am really passionate about
So where does this leave me; 7+ months after graduating… Well I am doing what any logical, kind-of unemployed, yet hopefully intelligent and motivated individual would do… Going to Africa…
Yeah… I know… With any luck this will provide a place where I can share what I think may be thoughts, ideas and anecdotes from cyberspace… But I don’t think I am alone in this time/place in life… Will I write about random things that are seemingly unrelated to just about anything, let alone Africa and life issues? Yes… Will I use ‘…’ (ellipses) way too much in my posts? Definitely. Will there be something that you can relate to or enjoy or find meaning in…?
I am a nervous wreck right now. I should be hearing by Friday whether I got the job as a clerk and which office I’ll be clerking for if I did get the job. (They said I should know by the end of the week…which in every interviewee’s mind means Thursday, but is probably Friday…) It’s so bad, it’d gotten to the point that I’m constantly checking my e-mail to see if I got an e-mail about the decision. Also, yesterday I was constantly checking my phone to make sure I didn’t miss a call or have a new voicemail (note that my phone only on silence for 2 hours during class–and I was also checking it then AND I was on call).
I just quit out of the mail application on my computer, and won’t be checking my e-mail until 11:45. My mail application will remain closed during class today (until 2pm). Who’d want to get good FABULOUS news during class and have to contain it? Not me Who knows, maybe the saying, “a watched pot never boils,” is true.
Some job advertisements ask you to include your desired salary, and if they ask for this, it usually means that you can’t avoid doing so. Listing salary requirements is always tricky because it’s hard to “guess” what the employer will think about your preference. Asking for too much can rule out your chances right away because you might appear unrealistic, but asking for too little can signal a red flag and tell the hiring manager that you don’t value your skills and experience. So the question is – what do you say?
My advice is to always include a range because you give yourself a little bit of breathing room. A range not only eliminates you from this potential scrutiny, but it could also tell the hiring manager that you need a little more information before you give them a definite answer. In other words, you leave yourself some option, and you also put yourself in a good position to negotiate. Chances are that full details of the job haven’t already been provided, so if you make it to the interview and hear more about the job’s requirements, you can then argue why you are qualified to receive the higher end of your salary range.
So how do you determine this range? Try to search for similar positions and what they offer in terms of salary. Look up job search websites and try to ballpark a range that most of the positions fit into, and then use this range when you’re writing your cover letter. The range you include is entirely dependent on what you find, but I would probably suggest not making it any larger than $10,000 – it may be too general otherwise.
All in all, it’s always best to keep your options open.
Good luck!
Laura is the Marketing Coordinator for RedStarResume, a business that provides resume and cover letter writing services for students, graduates and young professionals.
Most people in Barbados are aware of the Harbour Road area in which foreign-based companies are located. These companies usually offer out-sourcing for much larger companies of the United States. They have “set up shop” in Barbados because its economical. The Barbados government offers them a tax relief and they pay their staff next to nothing. The most popular companies in Harbour Road are GC Services, NCO and KM Solutions.
The employees of these companies seem to be predominantly female and have developed a bad reputation for all persons working in the area. An average Harbour Road employee is assumed to be: uneducated, poor, ghetto, worthless, mothers. After 6 months of working with these people, I would have to say that this sterotype is correct.
To become a CSR, you need a minimum of 3 CXCs. I don’t believe they specify that you must have Maths and English. Alot of these women are poor, they arrive from the lower echelons of society with no job experience. They see these Harbour Road jobs as a stepping stone.
Further more, from what I’ve seen, they have poor spending habits. Much of their money goes to hair-dos, clothes and fetes. (Just this week, one girl showed up with a wig that was so horrible. It did not suit her complexion and it looked obviously fake. Around the rim of the wig was a thin layer of “fake skin” which was supposed to stick to her skin and appear natural. As it was 2 shades lighter, it really stood out. I almost choked when I heard this thing cost $80).
These girls are ghetto and worthless; they mostly live in the overcrowded parts of St.Michael. Their behaviour is atrocious, even when dealing with customers on the phone. They fight, curse and speak bad language. They are lewd in their speech and talk openly about sex. You can find these girls in the dub skinning out and on their heads. They dress skimpy and only seem to comfortable in tight, short clothing.
Alot of these women are young mothers. They usually have 1 -3 kids even though they’re only 25. There are so many in Harbour Road with kids and I can’t figure out why.
I’ve made it my job to expose this Harbour Road area and I think I’ll have fun doing it! Please post a comment and stay tuned for more.
So I went to take my test to be a census worker today; now I feel f bad. It’s not that I failed the test; I did well there. But in the time we had before testing got underway I was able to get a look at some of the other folks who were applying with me. One young man was trying to get the job so he could support his fledgling family; another was a veteran. Another lady was taking the test for the second time to try and up her score and therefore her chances of getting hired, and one mustn’t forget the little old lady sitting behind me who was terrified that yet another job was going to discriminate based on age.
I’m a young, 24-year old male, with a degree from Notre Dame who has no dependents. And I am going to try and take this job over these people?
Direct Marketing Coordinator
Division: Home Office
Location: COPPELL, TX US
Job Type: Full Time Position
Summary: Our customer database is one of the most vital and strategic tools in our business as we work to build customer traffic, increase more frequent, repeat visits and foster a loyal, adoring customer base. Reporting to the Direct Marketing Director, the Direct Marketing Coordinator will provide support and reporting for all database, direct mail and online marketing initiatives at The Container store. The perfect candidate must have exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, while also working in a whole-brained environment with key department leads all across the company.
Container Store Inc Corporate Offices – more info »
500 Freeport Pkwy, Coppell, TX – (972) 538-6000
Hwy 121 past Hwy 35
I guess it can be depressing to be unemployed. You can’t go speed dating because you’d fail on the “what do you do for a living?” question. You can’t buy useless things like frog cookie jars or pirate wine holders. You have no one to hang out with during the day because all of your friends are at work getting ahead in life. You never leave the house. Your pajamas have become a part of your body. You look like moldy old bread because you don’t shower.One of my friends is starting a new job on Monday after being unemployed for several months. At first I was happy to hear the news. And then after getting off the phone, I started feeling bad for him. All those months he felt like he wasn’t good enough to have a job, a loser if you will. What a waste! He was living the dream and didn’t even know it.
Being unemployed brings happiness. We need to acknowledge this. You get paid by the government. Your parents still send you checks on your birthday and other holidays. You don’t have to worry about what to wear in the morning. You don’t even have to get out of bed in the morning. You’re not a slave to coffee. You are always free to go to parties. You can go out on weeknights and not regret it in the morning. You are your own boss. You can blog all day long. No photocopying. No paper cuts. You can play boardgames or Wii. You can have cool hobbies. No one can call you a suit or a sellout. You don’t have to drive during rush hour. Your lunch break can be longer than an hour. You don’t have any co-workers gossiping in your kitchen.
Makes it seem like life without a job isn’t so bad afterall. I’ve come up with a very short list of songs to listen to if you find yourself without a job. I guarantee you will feel better about sitting around in your bathrobe all day.
1. Dead Kennedys “Take This Job and Shove It”
2. Disney’s Cinderella “Work Song”
3. Billy Talent “Worker Bees”
4. Dead Kennedys “At My Job”
I could go on, but I think you get the point. Plus I was running out of Dead Kennedys hits. Any inspiring songs you’d like to share with those desperately seeking work and feeling miserable about being unemployed?
If you are experience person and is a busy executive, it may be difficult for you to conduct an exhaustive job search. You may be working for 40 hours a week and then you have to spend time with your friends and family. You may require innovative ways to search a job and look after your job. Save My System is here to help you out in your problem. In this new high-tech age you can search job seating at your home. The World Wide Web is at your disposal. You can easily find your dream job, sitting at your home.
Searching online job’s most amazing feature is you can search job across cities which was not possible earlier. You can cover tremendous amount of job market through computer. From any part of world you can search jobs. Even searching jobs on company website is possible through internet. Save My System has amazing electronic job banks that charge you minimum and gives you great benefits. Searching different requirements is incredibly quick if you have high speed internet connection. This makes job hunting very interesting as you are able to see the openings at different locations.
If you are working somewhere, online job search is highly convenient. You just need to post your resume on Save My system’s job portal and you will get automatic alerts in your email inbox. You can even set up your resume to showcase your skills and talent. There are endless possibilities that will give you chance for better job offers. In earlier days people have to personal go to the place of company even for apply. It was bit irritating, time consuming and tiring. Many executives were not able to devote that much of time in their busy schedule. But nowadays, the seen is different.
Save My System made the job search close to your computer keyboard. Before joining you can even go through annual reports of your prospective company, stock quotations and other key business decisions which will be very useful information in future to decide your career path. If you find this information and are interested in the same, you can draft your cover letter that company may find interesting. Searching job online is like seating at driver’s seat of your career. You will get to know the job vacancies early once you register with Save My System’s job portal.
You don’t need to depend on anyone else for your online job search. Therefore, you are able to present yourself in best possible way for your company. Moreover, job search is very cost effective and you don’t have to spend lot of money on it. Save My System is dedicated to provide wireless security services along with attractive SEO, web design templates at affordable rates.
I had an interesting experience as a teenager in my first summer job as a salesperson for a retail electronics chain (company name deliberately withheld). The following experience has stayed with me the rest of my life. In light of what so many have shared above, I consider myself lucky to have learned what I believe is such an important lesson, so early.
A woman in her, I’m guessing, sixties entered the store with what appeared to be old flashlight. I approached her, offered my name and asked if I could help her in any way.
She told me her flashlight was no longer working and that she needed a new one. I told her we had a variety of flashlights for sale and that I would be delighted to show them to her. As I directed her across the store, I asked if I could see her old flashlight. A “tinkerer” from a very early age, it was almost second nature to open her flashlight, check the bulb, batteries and electrical contacts. In the days of unsealed batteries, corrosion was quite commonplace (does anyone else remember those days? I hope so).
Upon opening her flashlight, the problem was easy to identify. Corrosion had fouled the battery contacts. I asked her to wait a moment as I scraped the contacts clean with a letter opener we had in a jar next to the register. I replaced the batteries and screwed the flashlight back together. Lo and behold, the flashlight now worked perfectly. I explained what I had done and returned the old, now-working flashing to the woman. She was elated… and I felt pretty good too.
After what seemed like an embarrassing number of “thank yous”, at least to a young teen, the woman left the store with her working flashlight in hand.
Proudly I turned, only to immediately be approached by my, visibly upset, manager. She had, of course, witnessed the previous events. Quite firmly, she explained that we were in business to sell flashlights… not fix them. She continued, that had I not fixed the flashlight, the woman would not only have purchased a new flashlight, but most probably batteries as well. Finally, the manager reminded me that, as a result of my actions, a sale was “lost.” Her comments made a big impression on me—particularly juxtaposed so closely with the delight experienced just minutes before.
There were no more “incidents” that summer and I left with the manager’s blessing that I was the best employee, of any age, she ever had.
Today, decades after I fixed that flashlight, I hold the lessons of that summer very dear—at least one of them, however, I don’t think that store manager, from so many years ago, would endorse.
Since that summer, I have fixed many “flashlights.” Looking back, not one of them EVER failed to ultimately generate returns far in excess of the costs of the “parts.”
Today I went for an interview at M**** & to be honest, initially I didn’t have much enthusiasm in this job until I actually went there & had e interview…
It seems a gd environment to work in, ppl seem ok (nt like dead quiet ofc-I usually have bad impressions of awfully dead quiet offices), job scope seems relevant & wat I want to venture into, gd career prospects (to grow perhaps otherwise in my resume)… A&P executive. Yes, I wld like tt job. Pls call me for a 2nd rd of interview…
I do hope I will be selected because just ytd, I had this dream abt my gpa where he was stuffing me with money (notes). I’m glad to have dreamt of him again, plus e fact tt this dream probably symbolizes something gd. & tt he is still watching closely over me… U know, e feeling like Gpa knows I am short of money now & 心疼s me by offering me money… He was like so happy in e dream, & e funny (or maybe weird to a certain extent) thing is I felt like he had this beam of triumph in his smile when he finally pushed e money into my blouse (yes, from e front) as my hands were occupied & cldn’t really push it away… Watever e dream meant, I’m still glad to have dreamt of him & seeing him happy & concerned bt me. Thank you ah gong…
Well, hope they’ll call me by………………………. Next Wed maybe??? PLS PLS PLS PLS!!!
Oh, & just something to share… I actually accidentally used “pissed off” in e conversation & I was like, so regretful in my head hoping she wldn’t mind too much abt this ‘not-so-nice’ language… Used in a formal interview. -_-” What’s wrong w u LIPING?!?!?!?!? argh~ SIGH. BIG SIGH.
Four months ago, I started this blog to learn the process of blogging and to gain writing experience.
My intention was to chronicle my own personal “About Face”, from a mostly stay at home mom of 16 years to a full time working mom. I quickly realized that would be too boring and depressing so my blog morphed into the scattered and unfocused Category Cloud it is today.
I will continue to blog about running, my boys, social media and Trader Joe’s but thankfully, I no longer feel pressure to stick to the original intention of this blog.
After 3 months, 100 days, 2 interviews, 1000 word essay, 1 writing test, 1 more interview and 1 background check, I got the job. No, I am not working for President Obama but an equally dynamic and public figure in the local Catholic world in which I live. I am looking forward to being an essential contributor and learning from accomplished professionals.
Thanks to all my friends who made recommendations, supported and prayed for me; I felt every single prayer and thought.
It was a very eventful monday. It being the last day of my leave. I was so flustered with all the things that I did.
Woke up at 5:30am, cooked breakfast, showered and waited for anya to come.
At around 8am we were already fixing my hair and my make up or my big interview at Makati. Went to Makati at around 9ish and made for my 11am meeting.
After wowing the interiewer (haha i hope i did) we went to serendra, window shopped and after a while we were both hungry so we decided to have pizza (since we were both craving it from the night before) we ended up walking towards Market! Market! In search of a YC. though we couldn’t find one we ended up having pizza at sbarro
We went to Medical City afterward for my test results (and they came out negative). We saw our college friend Micmac there because he was also having a check up. We then had Floats at Mcdonalds and made our way to eastwood mall because anya and I were both craving for Cheese Cakes.
We hung out at CBTL then went home after. We went to 4 malls in one day and ate a 3 different places hahaha!
Hope Monday is treating you well. I started my Monday with a quick breakfast of PB on Toast. I ate it too quickly to capture on camera, I’ll try and incorporate taking breakfast pics into my morning routine from now on. After breakkie, I headed to the gym and busted out a quickly 2.5 miles and ~300 calories on the elliptical. It was a surprisingly exhausting workout – I don’t think I give the elliptical enough credit. I’m also getting over a really bad cold – so that may have been why it seemed harder than usual. After the elliptical, I did about 20 minutes of arms + back with weights. I was pretty pooped by the time I left.
I headed home for lunch, just in time to catch the boy on his lunch break. He only works like a 10 minute walk away, so he comes home some days to keep me company. He made a wrap and I made one of my all-time fav lunches.
Its ridiculously easy – just a few slices of tomato on bread, with S&P on top, then I usually add a handful of baby parmesan or mozzarella on top. I cook in in the oven at about 350 for 10 minutes or so, and add some fresh (if I have it) or in most cases dried basil on top when its finished. DEEELISH! I’m sure its not that healthy because of all the cheese, but omigoodness its tasty.
I spent most of this afternoon applying for jobs *story of my life* – I hate being jobless. I’m actually kind of miffed at the moment because I was supposed to hear back from two positions that I interviewed for last week by today – and haven’t heard a thing. No call, no email – so now I’m just sitting here paranoid – is this a bad sign? They did say they would be in touch – but c’mon – I hate being left hanging – I’d rather just know one way or the other. I did manage to take a mid-afternoon break for a green tea and a Luna bar though. Those make me smile.
I also managed to catch Oprah earlier, it was the episode about bosses doing their employees job for a day. I was actually really impressed with the concept, and with the CEO’s and executives who were showcased. I think it takes a lot of courage for them to admit the things their company is doing wrong on national TV. I was even more impressed with the employees though – they really make me rethink my current job situation. I could have it ALOT worse. I was so impressed with how people working difficult jobs still managed to have fun. I need adopt that kind of optimistic view of my lie.
Anyways, I’m off to start dinner – we’re gonna try making homemade falafel for the first time tonight – should be good.