Thursday, March 18, 2010

Learning From Mable Peabody

StoreFront Signage

Yes, this place actually exists–about twelve miles down the road from us, to be exact. It’s one of the most random Texas signs I’ve seen to this point, and I have to chuckle every time I pass. As I drove up to take the photo, I noticed–without too much alarm–that this place was no longer in business. I guess with the economic downturn, people are just not showing up here enough to make a profit. (Big surprise there!)

I almost wish they HAD been in business, because it still begs my curiosity as to what actually went on in this type of establishment. Did you catch the words “Night Club” on the right? Perhaps the name of the place is simply a flowery Texan way of saying “Beauty and the Beast.” I’m still not sure that that would clear up my questions–what happens at a “Beauty and the Beast Night Club?” Yikes…

Hopefully, Mable Peabody has found another, more profitable way to make ends meet. There may be a lot of companies and establishments who have had to downsize or close their doors, but that doesn’t mean that there are any less opportunities to achieve our dreams and financial goals. We, like Mable Peabody, sometimes have to be willing to shut down and start fresh with a new plan. Best of everything to you, Mable! We’re glad you’ve moved on!


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