Saturday, March 20, 2010

Green Cupcakes & Roasted Veggies

Hi All,

So I’m not gonna lie – I’ve sucked at being active this week. Don’t get me wrong it feels nice to take a break, but I’m feeling kind of guilty about it at the moment. My original plan was to meet my friend after work Tuesday/Wednesday of this week to go to the gym – and both of those dates fell through. Bit disappointing – hopefully I can back up on the wagon this coming week.

Other than avoiding the gym this week – I’ve spent a lot of my free time cooking. I really do love it. Anyways, Tuesday night I made some yummy green cupcakes to bring into work for St. Paddy’s Day. I heart St. Patrick’s Day – really I do. Such a fun holiday, and I have so many great memories of *ahem* shenanigans that occurred on that day while I was in college. Anyways, those were a big hit at work – see, don’t they look tasty.

Mmmm... Green Cupcakes with Green Sprinkles.

We didn’t get up to anything too wild and crazy on St. Patrick evening – strangely enough – we went out for sushi for dinner. Isn’t that Irish of us? Not so much. What did you get up too for St. Patrick’s Day? After dinner we watched Couples Retreat, which had shown up from earlier that day. It was pretty good – not the funniest movie I’ve ever seen, but cute, nonetheless.

Then last night – I was trying to think of something productive to do and I realized we had A LOT of veggies that were nearing the “too rough looking to eat” stage, so I thought – why not? I’ll just roast them up with EVOO (haha, so Rachael Ray of me) and S+P in the oven and they’ll be good to go for awhile. It took hardly any time at all to prepare and they are delicious. I cooked up some zucchini, asparagus, red onion and green and red bell peppers.

I also talked to my parents on the phone last night for the first time this week and they had a funny story to tell me. My family’s latest dog, Jack, is from a mix breed from a rescue and is half border collie, half lab and is a little over 2 years old.

Such A Cutie

Anyways, my family’s old dogs were all labs and as much as they are loveable and great family dogs, they are not always the smartest puppies. Jack, on the other hand, is ridiculously smart. Sometimes you feel like he’s totally one step ahead of you when you are trying to get him to do something. Anyways, my mom was making dinner with my sister on Wednesday and I guess they were bickering over something and not paying attention to the dog. So Jack decided to jump on the counter, grab an entire brick of blue cheese + the wrapping and tin foil and down it in one bite. It was a $15+ brick of cheese. That wasn’t even the worst of it though – the dog has a weak stomach, so my mom and sister had to take him to the emergency vet and that was another $200+ – needless to say – most expensive block of cheese my parents have ever purchased.

Well, I guess now they’ll know better – I could’ve told them that all dogs have a weak spot for cheese. Pretty funny story, though.

I’m not sure yet what the plans are for this evening – Ryan mentioned that he might attempt to make homemade hummus tonight. That would probably be a delicious with the roasted veggies from yesterday.

What are your plans for this weekend?


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