Wednesday, September 30, 2009

37+ Job Hunting Tools Online

As unemployment continues to rise, job hunters are finding a highly competitive job market. These online reference tools will help you power to the top of any job applicant pool.

Job Search Planning

Think smarter: It helps to know the most efficient ways to find a job. While people spend most of their time searching jobs online or reading the papers, it is not the most efficient. Sources for jobs that have higher success rates include:

  • Word-of-mouth referrals
  • Direct contact with companies
  • Employment agencies and recruiters

* Other includes referrals from schools, unions, trade journals, and government services.

Knowing this, your weekly job search model should include:

  • Contact at least 10 people or resources per day; 5 days per week. You should try and make a total of 18 networking contacts per week, and contact at least 15 companies directly per week.
  • Get 2 referrals from each contact. (At the end of each conversation, ask if they know anyone that may be hiring or is a good contact to reference).
  • Try and setup at least two face-to-face meetings or interviews each day.

Making contacts online:

1) Facebook – not a direct business tool, but you can ask your friends or post updates on your job search (“I just got back from a Job interview”).
2) MySpace – again, not a direct business tool, but you can ask your friends for referrals.
3) LinkedIn – HOT – Many people reporting a lot of success with LinkedIn. It trumps the online competition for business networking. Join the site and import your contacts. In addition, their online job search is particularly unique and helpful. Tip: use the ‘answer’ section to broadcast a question to your entire network.

4) Sample Networking Letter – use this format to send to your friends on forums, social networks, or via email.
4) – for home based businesses.
5) Plaxo – organize your online address book.
6) – career discussions.
7) – Post your resume, join networks and get advice.
What Employers Can Find Out About You – if you use any social networking sites for job hunting, make sure you read this checklist so you can maintain a professional profile.
9) How to Use Social Networks for Job Hunting – in depth guide to using social networks for job hunting.

    Preparing to Present Your Skills: Tools for Resumes and Other Interactions

10) Resume Power Words – Build a resume using the precise words to describe your accomplishments. Remember, hiring managers have 30-seconds to look over a resume, and if you add more detailed they will think you have more experience. However, do not just fluff your resume with words, be concise, simple and direct.
11) More Power Words – additional words to consider.
12) 10 Resume Mistakes – avoid these at all costs.
13) Resume Generator – website resume wizard.
14) How to Write a Masterpiece Resume – these two simple tips can really make you shine.
15) ResumeEdge – Resume writing service.
16) Thesaurus – A must when trying to find the perfect work.
17) Google Docs – Online word processor loaded with free templates for crafting your resume.
18) Free Resume Templates – a starting point to see how others’ present themselves.
19) Free Resume Review – get advice on your resume.
20) Cover Letter Basics – learn what to say to make a good impression.
21) Sample Cover Letter – just a sample.
22) Resume 101 – basic tips.
23) Thank you letter basics – put one off.
24) Six Tips for Following Up on Your Resume – Business Week gives great advice.


25) Join a Professional Association or Other Groups – how to go about joining a professional organization. 
26) Yahoo’s Directory of Professional Associations – good old Yahoo has a comprehensive list.
27) Prominent organizations – check here for more groups to join.
28) Weddle’s Directory – Large database of organizations and societies you can join for networking.

Job Sites

29) BookALesson Online – job hunting for music instructors.
30) – babysitting, nanny, child care, tutoring, senior care.
31) Craigslist Jobs – browse jobs in any city.
32) Careerbuilder – large job search site.
33) – search jobs across multiple sites.


34) Simply Hired – millions of jobs from a variety of sources.
35) Hotjobs – Yahoo’s job board.
36) – jobs, career advice and social network.
37) Government Jobs – USAJOBs

Job Fairs

38) Find a Job Fair – events near you.
39) Monster’s Job Fair Guide – what to bring, how to dress, what to expect.


40) Job Interview Guide – make the best of your job interview.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The fact that it's Sept. 30 and still 81 degrees is starting to endear Texas to me

A friend in Minneapolis tweeted about taking her dogs on a walk in the chilly autumn air, leaves crunching beneath their feet. I looked around at the green grass, bright sunshine and colorful swimsuits of the neighbors in my apartment complex’s pool and, for perhaps the first time, appreciated Amarillo.

Speaking of, I’ve been hired on full-time. Not sure how long I’ll be here, but for the short-term future it’s my home. I’m looking to visit Lincoln at the end of October, and I’ll be in Milwaukee/Madison at the end of December.

Lauren, my roommate from this summer, is moving to Dallas soon, and taking the love of my life, Mouse, with her. Sigh.

But I moved almost everything into my new place today before work, and if you don’t count the lack of cats, it’s a much better location:

1. I can bike to work now!
2. It’s about eight blocks from the Haymarket-esque section of Amarillo (coffee houses, antique stores, quirky local eatieries, for you non-Lincolnites)
3. It’s in a neighborhood full of SM3 Dynamite Museum signs
4. My room is bigger, with three windows.
5. It has a deck! And since it’ll be warm here a while longer yet, I’m looking forward to sitting in the sun with a book.

I’ve only met the new roommate, Shelley, once — all I can really say is that she seems friendly. She works days, though, so I have a feeling we won’t interact much.

Sometimes when we’re bored at work, Brittani blows liquid catnip bubbles. Alex tries to pop them.

There is just so much shit that applies to keely.

It’s like the world is conspiring against her to laugh at her ass.

She shook her tail to get approval at a lame ass image board. We found a job for her!

Damn it dorseys you’re not gonna do the right thing no matter what. I’m still gonna be here for my boy until he’s done with his blabbin.

Die multimediale Revolution, Partner der ersten Stunde gesucht!

Nun bietet sich noch einmal, eine außerordentliche Gelegenheit…

8-Jahre Entwicklungszeit und Unsummen von –kosten! Jetzt kommt die weltweit erste “Servergesteuerte Multi Utility IPTV Box auf den Markt. Deutsche Firma starte in Deutschland!

Vertriebsaufbau ist auch zunächst auf Deutschland beschränkt!!!!

Es werden JETZT „Partner – der 1 Stunde“ gesucht, die sich mit diesem Unternehmen eine Existenz aufbauen wollen!

Das Ziel: In den nächsten Jahre 20 Millionen Kunden (allein in Deutschland) aufzubauen…

Die Box verbindet TV & Internet in modernster Form!

Ein paar, von den „unzähligen“ Highlights:

- Die Box ersetzt einen vollwertigen PC der (praktisch) nie veralten kann. Alle Upgrades erfolgen in Echtzeit über das Internet. (Das Unternehmen betreibt eigene Hochleistungsserver)
- Internetzugang
- Email/VideoMail
- Kostenlose „Bildtelefonie“ über das TV – Weltweit! (Über das Netzwerk)
- Free TV/Radio/Downloads
- Video on demand
- Alle deutschen Free-TV Sender sowie jetzt schon mehrere russische & türkische Kanäle (andere folgen)
- Live-Online Spiele (auch mit/gegen andere Partner)
- Und noch vieles, vieles mehr…

Bewerben Sie sich jetzt!

Wir suchen Menschen mit Unternehmergeist für die Markeinführung dieses weltweit einzigartigen Produktes. Vertreiben Sie mit uns die weltweit erste “Servergesteuerte Multi Utility IPTV Box”

Wir suchen Führungskräfte und Vertriebsmitarbeiter der 1. Stunde.

Eine sensationelle Chance für jeden Vertriebler und solche die es werden möchten!

Voraussetzung für den Start als Vertriebspartner (Regionalberater):

- Eine Firmenpräsentation besuchen.
- Menschen ansprechen, beraten, Team aufbauen…
- 99€ Startkapital als Regionalberater
- Tippgeber kostenlos!

Nicht mehr aber auch nicht weniger!!!

Möchten Sie sich zusätzlich ein passives Einkommen aufbauen, dass Monat für
Monat gezahlt wird auch wenn Sie nicht arbeiten? Dann sollten wir uns unbedingt kennen lernen!

Bitte bewerben Sie sich mit Name und Telefonnummer unter

Monday, September 28, 2009

Consultant expert EC-CS / SAP – FI

by Riadh Zellagui

Nous recherchons pour un client du centre-ville de Montréal, un consultant expert EC-CS / SAP – FI pour un mandat 5 semaines.

Compétences, connaissances et expériences requises :

  • SAP FI module EC-CS (Enterprise Controling – Consolidation)
  • Connaissances de l’outil Interactive Excel
  • Connaissance de l’anglais et du français (parlé et écrit)

Atout : Connaissance d’Hyperion HFM

Tâches :

  • Créer de nouveaux niveaux hiérarchiques dans la structure existante
  • Intégrer de nouvelles compagnies dans cette structure
  • Compléter et optimiser les rapports ECCS-Interactive Excel
  • Élaborer et participer aux tests et en faciliter avec les usagers
  • Effectuer le transfert de connaissance et la formation à la fin du mandat

Merci d’envoyer votre CV en format Word par courriel avant jeudi le 1er octobre 2009;
Les entrevues des candidats retenus auront lieu du 5 au 7 octobre.
Pour plus d’informations, merci de me contacter.
S.V.P. Indiquer le taux horaire demandé avec la présentation du CV

Riadh Zellagui

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Misplaced Optimism

I knew it was a mistake to allow myself to be optimistic.

Over that last few days the vibes I’ve been getting concerning the job I’ve been interviewed for, and am currently doing as a placement, have been far from positive. I know there were several other people interviewed and I’ve heard phrases such as “the quality of the applicants has been unbelievably high” and “difficult choices need to be made” which lead me to think that the news is not going to be good. Add to this the fact that if it was good news I think I would have been told last Friday and the conclusion I reach is that I’m not going to get offered a job.

Another factor in these negative vibes was an incident that occurred on Wednesday. For very little reason there was a disagreement between the Basic Skills Tutor and one of the clients which quickly escalated into a full blown row. However, it seemed to blow over, it all went quiet and I thought no more of it. I left the room for a couple of minutes, only to return and find it had kicked off again and there were now 3 members of staff involved. Anyway, it all got calmed down again and I had to leave shortly afterwards to attend college.  The next morning however, I was called into the bosses office and asked what had happened, who did what, what would I have done, could I have done anything etc. Had it affected how I viewed to role, did I think if I had been involved I could cope, how would I handle it if it happened to me in the future?  It seems that it was all very serious, not a minor spat as I thought. In the process of this “interview” (and it did seem almost as if I was being re-interviewed for the job) the boss asked me if I needed to work. She said that she had heard a rumour that my personal circumstances meant that I didn’t actually need a job.  Now as well as being none of her business, this seemed to me that she was setting me up for an unpaid placement rather than going to offer me a job. This question, and its implications have been both annoying me and worrying me ever since.

As a consequence of the above, I’ve been on a real downer the last couple of days. I don’t really want to do anything or to speak to anyone. I did drag myself out for a drink last night, meeting a friend but I was pretty lousy company and didn’t really enjoy it. And for the first time, I’m not looking forward to going in tomorrow.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Loved for Who He Is

“The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.”  Job 1:21

My husband, Dave, had started training to be a truck driver four weeks ago and finally got to come home last Thursday!  He’s home for a week and then will be gone for another four to six weeks.  It seems like things have gone from bad to worse lately.  A year ago, Dave had his own business, working out of our home.  We were comfortable with the amount of money we were making.  I did not have to work and had plenty of time to seek God and write.  Dave was home all the time, and the girls and I got to spend lots of time with him.  He helped me with the chores, with the kids, with my emotional stability (lol), with everything.  And now he is gone most the time.

The company that he is driving for does not pay well and treats their employees pretty badly.  It seems that they are happier to continually hire and train new drivers than they are to keep the ones they’ve already got.  And even though I fought it tooth and nail, I am starting a part-time job next week.  I was talking with Dave, asking him why things seem to have gone so badly.  How could God have let things take such a bad turn in so many different areas? 

And then God reminded me of Job.  He had a very blessed life, and then He lost it all, his children, his servants, and his animals.  And then he became sick.  (Wow, I’m starting to appreciate that my trials aren’t that bad!)  Satan had insinuated that Job only loved God for the good things He had given him.   So God allowed satan to take these things away, within limits, and Job proved God right.  Job continued to trust Him throughout this whole ordeal.

I feel like Job.  We had life just the way we wanted it before.  We were content with our money, our job, out time together.  And now much of it has been taken away, and things are so hard from many different angles.  And I believe the point is to prove that we love God, not for the good things He gives us, but just for God, Himself.  Will we still love and adore Him when things aren’t as good as they used to be?  Is our love based on what He can give us?  Or is it just based on who He is?

He is still our precious, perfect, beautiful, GOOD God, and I do love Him, even when everything seems to be going wrong.  God is allowing us to prove this fact to ourselves, and to all of heaven and earth who are watching.  And my glimmer of hope is that at the end of the story of Job, when Job’s testing was over, God restored everything that he had, even twice what he had before.  But no matter how our story ends, God is good, and He loves us.  His current plan for us is a perfect, loving plan. So we can rest in that fact of who He is, and we can kneel before Him in awe and reverence and adoration and say, “We submit to Your will because we trust You, precious Father.  We love You, Jesus.  Amen.”

“The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first…”  Job 42:12

Friday, September 25, 2009

Popularity in all the wrong places.

As most of you know, I’ve gotten a new job. It’s pretty awesome. I transport patients around a local hospital, which requires me to be pleasant and social. This is difficult for me, since I am for the most part an interavert. If you don’t know what an intravert is, please go back to high school. Anyway, I’ve come to find that I’m actually more popular with my mother’s co-workers (who are now also MY co-workers except I don’t interact with them on a daily basis necessarily) than I am with my own co-workers, the people who I’m around most of the time. This is somewhat disturbing for me. Why? Well, when someone comes up to me and says “Oh, you’re Lisa’s daughter!” …it’s kind of like…I’m sorry, who are you and how do you know my mother??? So, yeah…it’s not fun being popular with my mom’s co-workers and not my own…and I swear to God if someone calls me “Lisa’s Daughter” one more time…

Tokyo Party

Ahhh mein Kopf!!! Die letzten Tage waren einfach ein bisschen zu viel für mich. Jeden Tag wollte jemand anders Party machen und da ich immer Angst habe irgendwas zur verpassen musste ich natürlich jedes Mal dabei sein.

Ich war in einem Club in Shibuya unterwegs der sich Atom nennt. Für 3000 yen kann man hier seinen Spaß haben.
Ein paar Unterschiede sind mir zu deutschen Clubs aufgefallen:
1. Es gibt Bereiche in die nur Frauen tanzen dürfen. Ich dachte schon ich habe die beste Stelle des Clubs gefunden, da hat mir aber schon der Türsteher auf die Schulter getippt.
2. Fast alle auf der Tanzflache schauen zum DJ.
3. Japaner lieben es mitzusingen. Ach wenn bloß „heeeyyy, yaaaa, ohhh yeaahh“ ist.
4. Vor den Clubs werden oft Rabattkarten verteilt. Also für die die nach Japan fliefen Augen offen halten

An einem anderen Tag war ich dann zum ersten mal beim Karaoke. Mit zehn andern Leuten von denen die Hälfte deutsche waren haben wir von 23-05 Uhr gesungen und getrunken. Wenn Ihr mich fragt ein muss für jeden Japanbesucher!

Am nächsten Tag war ich dann noch auf eine brasilianische Barbecue Party eingeladen die ich aber nicht wirklich genießen konnte. Auf Bier hatte ich keine Lust und nach Essen war mir auch nicht zu Mute.

Die andern Tage über war ich auch öfter mal wieder in einem Izakaya von dem ich auch gerade eben wieder gekommen bin. Heut habe ich fast alle Umeshu Arten auf der Karte durch geschafft. (schmecken alle gut)

Da das ganze Party machen auf Dauer aber langsam zu teuer wird. Werde ich mich vileicht doch erst ein bisschen mehr auf die Jobsuche konzentrieren.
Mein erstes Geld hab ich übrigens schon verdient. Dafür dass ich eine Stunde mit einer Japanerin auf Deutsche rede bekomm ich 2000yen. Aber das mach ich vielleicht zwei mal die Woche. Also nur was für nebenbei.
Wünscht mir Glück das Abenteuer geht weiter…

[USA] Director for Customer Service - Seattle, WA

Tableau Software recently joined the Inc. 500 Fastest Growing Companies in the United States. Tableau is looking to hire a Director of Customer Experience to build a best-in-class Customer Service and Support organization to meet ongoing growth. The Director is responsible for leading the Customer Service and Support teams of a high growth technology company that is fanatical about customer service. Acting both strategically and tactically, the Director will put in place the necessary tools; processes and personnel to ensure an efficient and well run organization.


  • Define and implement best in class practice and procedures for customer experience teams
  • Champion the Tableau customer experience and lead the Customer Service and User Support teams to provide excellent customer service and create customer loyalty
  • Define a strategy to build customer experience infrastructure to scale with rapid growth. Write requirements documents, manage projects, work with teams throughout the company, and deploy effective solutions
  • Work closely with Operations team to define, build, and manage a seamless customer experience for the self-service customer portal
  • Collaborate and communicate with other departments. Identify which issues need escalation and resolve them directly
  • Manage budgets, and define/monitor metrics
  • Provide monthly program and project updates to senior leadership. Identify strategic needs and propose solutions to senior staff


  • 5 years experience as a customer service leader is a high volume environment
  • Experience implementing and maintaining mission critical business systems and processes
  • Technology enthusiast; experience selecting and deploying creative technology solutions to business challenges
  • Demonstrated passion for customer-centric service; track record of simplifying systems for customers
  • Proven ability to identify problems, implement solutions and effectively drive change in an organization
  • Strong communication, reporting and analytical skills
  • Bachelors in Business or Engineering field preferred (minimum)

Working Conditions

  • Working conditions are normal for an office environment
  • Ability to sit for moderate periods of time working on a computer
  • Ability to travel (typically less than 10%)

In addition to a great job and salary, what you’ll get from at Tableau…

Work on great products – Award-winning software that just keeps getting better. Ever worked for a company where real journalists say “almost too easy use”? Or “best software we´ve seen in years”? You can at Tableau.

Tangible growth opportunities – We have a big vision and are on a fast growth path – 14 consecutive quarters of sales growth means you’ll be growing too. We need people who want to grow with us.

Great colleagues – Hang around with smart people with nary a hair of arrogance or ego. Everyone is working hard on something worthwhile. No frustrating slackers to drag you down. Bonus: people do really care about each other.

Satisfaction from helping people every day – Do you go into your current job wondering what your customers do with your products and whether it helps them? Not so at Tableau. We hear from our customers every day about how much Tableau helps them.

Great environment – We´re casual with lots of t-shirts and flip flops (but if ties and high heels are your thing, that´s o.k. too).

Contact: or see Tableau Software Website

Source: Gary Masterson of Call Center/CRM Special Interest Group of Chicago

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Do not live in guilt (Job 24-28)

Here, Job questions why the wicked go punished while they bully the poor and needy, leaving them cold and hungry while they prosper. They do not know or care about the way of the light, and go about stealing, murdering, committing adultery. By saying this, he is also trying to prove to his friends that their argument that “God punishes wickedness + Job is being punished = Job is wicked” because wicked people do go unpunished.

Yet, he knows that these wicked people will come to no good -  that the only end for them is their grave and they have nothing to look forward to after death. Thus any peace and wealth they enjoy today is only temporal, and only the foolish will seek such a life.

By saying all of these, his friend Bildad assumes that Job is claiming that he is righteous and has done no wrong and so try to convince him that he, like all men, can never be pure (But remember, God himself has said Job is one of no sin).

Job praises him for his “wise” words and asks him (sarcastically) who has taught him such wisdom because he knows that Bildad has merely repeated what Eliphaz has said before him. But he agrees with him that man are indeed nothing before God’s power. However, he is not prepared to admit that God is right in punishing him because he truly believes that he is righteous and his conscience is clear (because he has indeed not committed any sins!) But throughout all this, he still does not speak a word of wicked against God or cursed him – Satan was wrong about him!

While gold and silver can be obtained from this world, true wisdom is understood only by God – only he knows what is our present, past and future. Thus, in here Job is differentiating between knowledge and wisdom and his implication is that his friends may have the knowledge and what they say may sound correct before their audience, but they all are devoid of God’s wisdom. But he believes that if there is one thing we should know, it is that: “The fear of the Lord – that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding”.

Lesson to be learnt

Do not live in a world filled with guilt, thinking that nothing you do will ever please God. Do not let other people of fake counsel convince you that you are not good enough for God. We live in a world of grace today and while we are indeed sinful by nature, Jesus has died for our sins. And because of that, we should live a life of VICTORY and serve and praise God everyday, in the full knowledge that we can please him greatly in the things that we do for him.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

work, job, position, post

Substantivele work, job, post, position sunt sinonimele cuvântului slujbă în limba română.
Totuși au anumite nunațe stilistice.

Substantivul work are sensul cel mai general, și în cazul dat este un substantiv nenumărabil.
Adică nu are numărul plural.
Interesting work – lucru interesant
Difficult work – lucru dificil

I find my work rather boring.
Eu consider lucrul meu plictisitor.

Cuvântul work de asemenea se folosește pentru un sens mai general, cum ar fi locul de muncă.

I met Linda on my way to work.
Am întâlnit-o pe Linda în drum spre lucru.

Cuvântul work poate fi și substantiv numărabil.
În acest caz înseamnă operă de artă a unui pictor, scriitor, compozitor, etc.
A work of art – operă de artă
A work of genius – opera unui geniu

Some people say that this picture is a work of genius.
Unii oameni spun că acest tablou este o operă de artă.

This is one of his latest works.
Aceasta este una din ultimele sale lucrări.

Substantivul job este numărabil, deci are forma de plural:

She’s got a lot of jobs to do in the house.
Ea are mult de lucru prin casă.

În unele cazuri job și work se substituie reciproc.
Doar atunci când avem nevoie de numărul plural folosim job:

Celesta is looking for a job (work) of a medical nurse.
Celesta caută un serviciu de soră medicală.

Martha is constantly changing jobs.
Martha mereu schimbă lucru.

Cu toate că job se folosește în vorbire orală mai des, acest cuvânt tot mai des intră în uzanță oficială:

Marion applied for a teaching job.
Marion a aplicat la un serviciu de profesoară.

The government promised to create more jobs.
Guvernul a promis să creeze mai multe locuri de muncă.

Substantivul post se referă la stilul formal și este folosit în privința persoanelor având o calificare profesională (de medic, jurisst, etc.):

Recently the post of chief engineer has become vacant.
Recent postul inginerului șef a devenit vacant.

Substantivul position de asemenea se referă la stilul formal, dar se folosește cu sens mai larg și nu se referă la o profesie anumită:

Paul applied for a position of hotel manager.
Paul a aplicat la poziția de administrator de hotel.

Hoe LinkedIn Gebruiken om een Nieuwe Baan te Vinden (MindMap)

Apologies for the English readers of this blog, exceptionally this post is in Dutch.

Ben je zelf op zoek naar een nieuwe baan of wil iemand uit je omgeving een nieuwe job of nieuw werk vinden, dan is deze Mindmap “Hoe LinkedIn nu ECHT gebruiken om een nieuwe baan te vinden” een handige tool.

Succes !


Auteur van de netwerk boeken Let’s Connect en Hoe LinkedIn nu ECHT gebruiken (van beide is er een gratis light versie beschikbaar)

How To Succeed In Your Job Interview

It is so easy tosit down to finish an application and suddenly your thoughts does not know what to do next. You can’t retain information dates or names or telephone numbers. If you have a different work story, you can’t remember which career came first. If you have worked for the identical firm for years, you overlook when your appointment saw changes or when you received a elevation.

Do your inquiries on work-related paperwork at home and create up a inventory of the lot you might want. Fill every job for the preceding 10 years as well as the company name, address, telephone number and the contact person to call, frequently your close overseer. Have a list of learning, both conventional college and any individual courses, seminars, or in-house trainings you concluded, with dates. Have a list of five personal people who can vouch for you with names, addresses and telephone numbers.

Take the sheet with you so you are all set at all times. Not only will it make effecting resumes a breeze but it will allow for that the information you provide is true and consistent. That will steer clear of the humiliation and negative feedback in an consultation when you recognize there are inaccurate facts on the submission the interviewer is holding as a guide and you have to create fast verbal corrections.
Job Interview Tips For Success
Job Interview Tips For Success

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hopefully a better path lies ahead of me...

A week left till September 30th and that will be my last day in my company.

The reason I resigned? Since early this year, it felt like my company management had lost its direction as to what it wants to achieve as a game developing company. There was no focus on what platform we should do, what audience we should target and what game genre we should excel at. Granted that producing multi-platform games is a valid business strategy, the management should consider what human resource they currently possess before trying to jump onto the big boys’ bandwagon. A company size of no more than 30 pax trying to produce games for WiiWare, Nintendo DS, Sony PSP and possibly XBLA concurrently… that is pretty damn ambitious I’ll say.

However, the company losing its direction and focus is just part of the reason. The main reason I resigned is because I feel that I didn’t have any chance to perform the role of a game designer since February 2009. When I first joined the company, I was really happy to be given the chance to work under a Lead Game Designer, let’s call him D. He gave me a lot of creative space to create game data for his mini games and went on to give me full responsibility of the game narrative scripting and the freedom to work directly with the programmers. In short, I felt that he trusted me and valued my opinion even though I am a fresh graduate. I was and am still very grateful to him for giving me such a wonderful working experience.

Sadly, things didn’t go so well after my first project. I was shifted to work on a game prototype with another team and ever since joining the team, my role as a Game Designer went from creative to clerical. I spent most of my time updating game design documents for my Project Manager under his strict supervision as he felt that he should have full control of the game design. There was even this one time when I was discussing with our UI artist about how we can improve the aesthetics of the UI, I was told not to interfere with the UI anymore as it is none of my business… like wtf eh?! The game look and feel isn’t the game designer’s business?!

After the prototype is done, I entered a phase where all I do was to keep producing pitching proposals as per requested by my Project Manager, who was tasked by our boss. So for nearly 4 months, I just churned out proposals after proposals which I hardly get any feedback or comments on unless I send it to my ex- business development manager. That phase was basically the last straw for me. All I have gotten from my company is by learning through mistakes that we have committed and while it is arguably the best way, it is also a painful and draggy learning process. And if the management actually learned from their mistakes and avoid them in future, I wouldn’t have mind staying. Regrettably, that isn’t the case

On the brighter side, I am glad that I have been accepted into the Digipen-Ubisoft course and I believe it will be quite a wonderful learning experience for me. I really hope to gain as much knowledge as possible from the Ubisoft production personnel and eventually be able to join Ubisoft as a Game Designer. I am viewing this opportunity as a silver lining in my seemingly bleak future as a game designer. If you are an aspiring game designer reading this, a word of advice is to always try to learn from everyone around you – be it fellow designers, artists, programmers, project managers, producers or anyone in the gaming industry. It is hard for a person to see things in many perspectives and thus obtaining feedback from everyone will often allow you to see what you are blind to. Ultimately, your job is to design a game that is well-liked by everyone, not just yourself.

I would like to end off by hoping that game companies will give their junior game designers more freedom to exercise their creative minds. IMHO, trust is the most valuable gift that a new game designer can ever hope for and it is through this trust that we can learn from the most. The ‘trust’ could be as simple as… say… being in charge of planning out the menu flow of a game and yet it can mean a lot to us.

Job Finding Help Part 2: Resumes, Interviews & Procedures

For help with finding job ads, making a career change, and browsing more job finding how to and resource pages by category please see my previous blog post.  The following pages should help you with the paperwork and procedures involved in getting a job.

This is a necessary process for success in most job finding interactions except at Mahalo where anyone 13 or over can start work online immediately to work from home on a piece work basis for extra money. Currently there are over 60 pages of paid tasks in the Tasks tab, hundreds if not thousands of unanswered questions, daily and weekly contests with cash prizes, and probably most of the more than 100,000 of their web pages are yet unclaimed for revenue sharing in page creation and/or management with free training provided.  In fact with the economy being so down, I don’t understand why so many open tasks paying money are not yet taken. It seems to me that it could help someone out there – please pass that information on to others looking for some extra money to earn and do someone a favor that could lead them in a new career direction!

Good luck in your job search wherever you are searching!

  • How to Write a Resume
  • How to Write a CV
  • Mahalo Answers: Could our experience on Mahalo be added to a resume?
  • How to Write a Professional Biography
  • How to Write a Cover Letter
  • How to Prepare for a Job Interview
  • How to Dress for a Job Interview
  • How to Have a Good Job Interview
  • Phone Interview
  • How to Follow Up After a Job Interview
  • How to Call an Employer
  • How to Write a Thank You Letter
  • How To Write A Business Letter
  • How to Write a Resignation Letter
  • How to Write a Job Transfer Request
  • How to Leave a Job on Good Terms
  • How to Get a Job

Header photo copyright info is in first blog post.

Lessons from the Life of Job: Seeing Him

“You ask, ‘Who is this that obscures my counsel without knowledge?’ Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. You said, ‘Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me. My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.”       Job 42:3-6

None of his questions had been answered, but it didn’t matter anymore. In fact, for the last few hours, all God had done was question him.

In the midst of the storm’s howling winds, the voice of God had cut through the insidious darkness of his heart like a surgeon’s knife. It had been a good thing that God had told him to brace himself like a man for at times the gale force winds of God’s presence had almost carried him away (Job 38:3).

The Lord had been right; in the darkness of his heart he had lost sight of the God who had always loved him. Now, as he saw his mighty God afresh, he was pouring dust and ashes over his head.

Although he had been covered in dust and ashes for days, this time it was different. In the past he had been mourning over his situation, but now he was grieving over his sin.

Have you seen the reflection of God in the horrors of your storm? Before you answer that too quickly, let me explain what I mean.

It is one thing to hear about God, but it is an entirely different matter to see Him.

For example, Saul, the persecutor who had heard about God all of his life, became Paul the Apostle after he saw Him on the road to Damascus. Moses was a fear-ridden fugitive until he met God in the burning bush.

Sadly, this type of experience with God is almost unknown in the church of the western world. Despite all of our Christian books, CDs, messages, and television, we have produced a generation of Christians who know a lot about God without really knowing Him.

I am not talking about salvation when I refer to “knowing Him”; instead, I am describing the reality of experiencing His changing power and sensing His divine presence in your life. Many of you are probably asking, “How can I experience God like this?”

First of all, it is critical that you spend quality time with God on a regular basis. As you read the word, worship Him, and wait on Him, the Holy Spirit will begin to make your Heavenly Father very real to you.

In John 14:17, Jesus, speaking of His Father, said, “The world cannot accept Him because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him…”

Do you see it yet? Although we will not be able to physically see God until we get to heaven, there is a place of knowing God that is almost like seeing Him. As you are faithful in your spiritual disciplines, with the help of the Holy Spirit, you can be one of those who know Him in this way.

Second, through his friend’s misrepresentation of God and the pain and bitterness in his own heart, Job was unable to see the reality of his loving God; a false view of God was slowly subverting the clear image of Him that had always been there.

In 1 Corinthians 13:12, Paul says, “We see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.” One of the mirrors through which we attempt to see God is our internal view of what God is like. If that internal lens has been distorted or defiled, you and I will find it almost impossible to see clearly the God who loves us so much.

Never forget that the same God who revealed the light of His countenance in the darkness of Job’s soul is more than able to reveal Himself to you in a fresh way today.

© Copyright 2005 by Jim Laffoon

Monday, September 21, 2009


Work is a funny thing. You spend 20 years of your life going through university and are expected, by the end of this, to know how you want to spend the rest of your life. But I don’t think that anyone really does.
I have spent all of my time at university and the last few years trying to make a decision, but I just kept coming across reasons not to. I have explored a whole range of options and always seem to be struck down by the lack of natural talent. My skill is to approach things logically, even the most creative things. My degree is in Lighting Design, for theatre and concerts and even this I approached with logic leaving emotion and in a lot of cases creativity aside. My designs were always well received, but i feared that they were often what people were expecting to see: the logical and lateral choice.

I find that I am drawn to creative passtimes and have, in my childhood, spent a lot of time performing in shows, giving readings and dancing. I think as I have gone through school and university I have become more logical and less nativley creative. I would love to be a musician and have, during University, spent much time studying music and playing instruments. Each one a struggle as I seem not to be natrually talented in music, even though it is one of my true loves. Sitting down to a good album, modern or classical is a great way to while away the hours or a long drive. I will continue to practice but with an inert understanding that I will never be the session pianist that I would truely love to be.

Again a creative love of mine is cooking. Cooking and music side by side are the perfect combination. Jams, cakes, roasts and wonderful flavor combinations delight me. Also the challenge of Gluten Free cooking for my girlfriend is a great challenge. I have the will and maybe some skill but the environment of a hot crowded kitchen is not the ideal place for me. I am a home cook, cooking from my garden and as fresh as I can get. I am a seaside boy and love the countryside, the best home I can imagine is on the coast with a good swathe of land to grow things on my own small holding. Not really my girlfriends cup of tea but I think she will come round.

Finally I would love to write. I am always being chastised about my insessent talking and bizzare streams of ideas. I know a little bit about quite a lot of things and researching for writing just seems like a natrual enjoyment of learning for me. Although the final product may be a bit predicatble in its logic, but hopefully like my music, it will all get better.

Blogging is my first step into daily writing and getting used to putting my ideas onto paper. Blog posts and “blessays” hopefully will boost my skill and experience. Maybe! I have some good Ideas but feel my cocentration may wain long before the 200+ pages are completed. Ease myself in gently I think, best way.

Hopefully some short stories will make their way onto this blog in due course, and maybe one of those will flourish into a full novel. Only time will tell, so, watch out.


Blogged with the Flock Browser

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A cheer rises from the crowd

Another Soap serial bites the dust. Yeah, Guiding Light is going off the air due to low ratings. One more show in the tank. I don’t like soap serials. They are so morally corrupting. All that sex. During the day. When your kids are home. All that hatred, envy, jealousy, thievery, in short all the immoral values being displayed. People being mean and hateful towards one another. What is good about that? I sure wouldn’t want my kids to see that. There is already enough maliciousness and hatefullness and envy in the world. So a little less to me is a good thing. I am sorry that a lot of people are now out of a job. Hopefully they can get on a new team soon, maybe a primetime show, maybe some other show.

I have a flash drive. A San)isk. It is so easy to use and so small. I can load up to 8 GB on it. No software to install, it does it all by itself. It is better than a floppy or a mini disk. It has a small metal bar on the back that I can use to attach it to my key chain.

I got a call for an interview last week. I looked at my cell phone when it rang and it said ‘unknown ID’. I decided to answer it anyway. Good thing I did. They said they found my resume online. They found it at Careerbuilder, It is a part-time job and may end up being a full-time job. It is on the other side of town but the road I took to get there has a higher speed limit than most city roads. I thought the interview went well. I agonized afterwards going over the interview trying to decide where I went wrong, what question I goofed up. I couldn’t find a question this time so I wait until I hear from them. It will pay $13 less than my unemployment check but that is before taxes. So if I get this job I will have to get another part-time job to meet all my bills.

Ellen DeGeneres is going to be the fourth judge on American Idol replacing Paula Abdul. Some of you are thinking how is a comedian going to be a good judge? Well I can answer that. Ellen knows ALL the words to all the songs.  She enjoys lots of different types of music. Yeah she knows ALL the words. That is the answer folks. Plus we get some comedy as a bonus.

Good looking Patrick Swayze is dead along with Henry Gibson and Mary Travers. Plus Norman Borlaug who has saved BILLIONS of people from starving. I remember Patrick Swayze in ‘Too Wong Foo, Thanks for everything, Julie Newmar’. Julie Newmar is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. To be sure I haven’t seen her lately but in her prime, yeah beautiful.

Gipfelerfahrungen im Beruf

Gipfelerlebnisse haben für die Qualität unserer Arbeit und für die Zufriedenheit im Job eine Zentrale Bedeutung. Um im Beruf voranzukommen, solltest du herausfinden, bei welchen Gelegenheiten du solche Erfahrungen gemacht hast, und dann überlegen, wie du diese öfter herbeiführen könntest.

Diese Fragen helfen dir dabei:

1. Hast du kürzlich eine Arbeitssituation erlebt, in der du großen Stolz oder intensives Glück verspürt hast?

2. Was machte diese Situation so wertvoll für dich? Sei möglichst präzise:

Stärke deine Werte, stelle dir das Erreichen eines lang verfolgten Zieles dar, oder festige sie die Beziehung zu Kollegen?

3. Blicke sechs Monate in die Zukunft: Was könnte dir zu weiteren Gipfelerlebnissen verhelfen? Und in den nächsten 12 oder 24 Monaten?

Falls du die Frage 1 mit Nein beantwortet hast: Gabe es in deinem Job herausragende Erfahrungen, die länger zurückliegen? Wenn ja, beantworte die Fragen 2 und 3 sowie die Frage: Wie kannst du deine aktuelle Arbeitssituation ändern, um deine Zufriedenheit zu erhöhen und mehr Selbstverwirklichung zu erreichen?

Ein Freund von mir hatte seinen Job gekündigt um bei einer anderen Firma Erfahrungen zu Sammeln (das hatte er damals noch nicht gewusst). In dieser Firma war er stellvertretender Geschäftsführer. Ihm wurde noch einem Jahr wegen Personalabbau wieder gekündigt. Nun stand er da ohne Job. Da kamen Fragen auf: “Wie soll wie soll ich meine Familie ernähren und mein Haus abbezahlen”.

Da wurde ihm von seiner alte Firma ein Job angeboten, der genau auf ihm zugeschnitten war und das was er schon immer machen wollte.

“Manchmal musst du einen Umweg machen um ans Ziel zu kommen”

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Screens and noises

This is a post where I’m calling myself out… and maybe there’s a reader or two that can relate as well.

So much of what I do, professionally and personally, involves screens and noises. At work, I’m either shooting or editing video, various screens and noises required… at home, I love to watch movies and various shows with my family, usually with my laptop open, watching my twitter and facebook feeds, all in the name of staying connected. Even when I’m out and about I get a steady stream of texts and tweets on my phone to the point that if several minutes go by without one, I get a little antsy.

I met a friend for coffee a couple of nights ago. Oddly enough, this is a friend that I met via a connection made through twitter… and while our friendship began behind avatars and direct messages, I now count him as one of my closest friends. Regardless of the ease of engaging (or avoiding) people electronically, there is nothing that can ever replace the real connection that can only come when we interact face to face.

Here’s my problem: I’m not making enough time for these connections… maybe I should say that I’m not leaving room for these connections. When my wife asks me if I’d like to run to the store with her, I need to recognize that it’s not that she needs help picking up everything that she has a coupon for… it’s about time together. Time with no TV on, time with no phones chirping, time to just be “us”, even if it is in the grocery store.

Remedy: Take time to unplug. Obviously, I need to make a living so there will always be a good chunk of my day tied up with my electronics… but beyond that, I need to use my time wisely to really connect with people who mean so much to me.

Bottom line: Never use screens and noises to replace faces and voices.

Latest Jobs In India

Latest jobs in India. Provide hot jobs for IT Industry, Manufacturing Sector, Marketing Sector, Bank jobs, Government Jobs and Pharmaceutical Sector.

Jobbuzzars provides job openings at one click. Just enter a keyword, specify the location and it will give you over a hundred results.

Every year thousands of fresh graduates with different fields looks for a way to get a job. The traditional way is looking on the classified ads on newspapers for the job that fits their ability, skills and finished course. Aside from searching through newspapers, they also join job fair events or even ask for referrals from their family and friends. Some applicants visits the company they’re interested to join and ask if there is an vacant position. On this time and age, people should lieu away from the traditional methods of finding a job and take advantage of the Internet, where job ads can be easily accessed. You can definitely save effort, money and considerable amount of time.

Jobbuzzars provides information about their member companies and assistance to new graduates and old time job seekers.

"Soziale Netzwerke"?

Bei meiner Gerichtsreportage stolpere ich über den Begriff “Soziale Netzwerke”. Denn in einem dieser hatte die Nebenklage Fotos entdeckt, die einen der Angeklagten mit Wurfsternen und Totschläger posierend zeigen. Er hatte die Fotos bei seinem Profil eingestellt.

“Soziales Netzwerk” klingt im Zusammenhang mit Jugendkriminalität aber missverständlich, denn sozial engagiert im bürgerschaftlichen Sinne hatte er sich ja nicht. Da zeigt sich, dass das Wort ein germanisierter Anglizismus (social network service) ist.

Ich hatte dann über Fotos auf seiner Internetseite geschrieben, um das abzukürzen. Nur ist ein Konto bei WasweißichVZ, Facebook, Xing etc. eigentlich keine eigene Internetseite.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Are you thinking about a Career Change?

hey all!

have you ever think about a career change? what were thinks that stopped you to do it? maybe the risk of loosing your current job? maybe you do not know exactly what career to go for?

well I have thought about that challenge many times … and today I have read an interesting article written by Meridith Levinson:

Carrer Change: 7 Do’s and Don’ts


Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Feel Avoided

Although I have to say that everything that goes on our relationship makes me think that our relationship is true, there are some things that make things complicated. I know they don’t mean that our relationship is not true. Still I feel terribly sad when something happens like the following one.

Pialy is commendably an active girl who doesn’t waste any of the moments she gets every single day. After coming back from her school around 5 pm, she directly goes to her job. She works in a store which is a little far from her home. She works there everyday. Even on weekends, including Saturdays, she goes to her job at 12 pm. I don’t remember any weekend she spent with me online. (Don’t I matter?!)

But this one is particularly important. You have probably heard of Eid-ul-Fitr which is the largest religious festival of the Muslims across the world. We are Muslim, so simply we ought to celebrate the day that comes to us once a year.

Luckily, this year’s Eid is on [next] Sunday. A few months ago I asked her, “What will you do on the Eid day if that falls on weekend?”

She replied, “I will spend the day (which is my night over here in Bangladesh) with you online.”

From then, I was expecting to spend the night with her online.

But a few moments ago when she called me, I asked if she is going to take a day off from her job. She said that she is going to her job even though that’s Eid day.

I asked surprisingly, “Can’t you take a day off? This day comes once in a year.”

She gently replied, “On Sundays, our store remains busy all through the day. So, I can’t.”

I said anxiously, “Come on, don’t treat me fool. It’s the most special festival of our religion, have you forgot that? If you go and tell your boss about the day, your boss is sure to vacant you for a day only.”

She remained silent which obviously indicated that I’m right.

I was willing to remind her about what she had said earlier. But I had no choice. The fact is, The more time she works on her job, the more money she earns. So, if I interrupt her, she is going to be rude on me.

Money got higher priority than me. To me, it is not supposed to be fair. But it might be for her.

Twitter Fights and a Living Wage (a response)

Well known Tweeter @kezdugdale has done the honour of mentioning KeepRightOnline on her blog, in a post entitled, “Twitter Fights and a Living Wage,” following a Twitter discourse we had recently. In her blogpost, she sets out her argument for a ‘living wage’ and argues that the Labour government hasn’t been given enough props for it’s advocation of this interventionism since 1997. I however, feel differently. I’ve issued a full response below, and far from wanting to sound expectant, I have tried to outline why, from experience, I believe the market (not government) knows best, and why those working on a low wage should strive for better, not expect (as a right, as Kez mentions) a bloated salary.

“I thank you for the mention and for the record, I don’t often see a need to resort to, “Oh f**k off.” I don’t debate to insult or debase, I do it because sometimes I genuinely cannot see the rationale behind someone’s stance. This is echoed in your statistics in the post.

I worked in the retail sector for just over 4 years, earning WAY LESS than £7/hr while putting myself through university. Here’s how I see it.

While I didn’t earn any commission in my first job of three years, I learnt the skills and graft needed to move on and up in the company, and did so. With this came ‘keyholder’ responsbilities and with that came a nice little extra in my pay packet every week.

Following this, I managed to apply for another retail position which paid more AND offered commission on top: fantastic times.

Similar applies to the hotel and service sector, having worked in a hotel before, the fact is- if you’re good, you get promoted and you get a lot of tips! While no one should have to RELY upon tips for a living, they should also not expect a basic that they haven’t earned, or that the job doesn’t merit.

If someone had offered me £7.00/hr in my first job, I would have looked at them funny and thought, “Hell, if they’re stupid enough to pay me that, sure!” You can’t exploit the employer in the same way you cannot exploit the employee, and this is precisely what a National Minimum Wage does. It takes away from meritocracy and hard work and like you said, it makes it a RIGHT to receive money that frankly, you might not have earned. As if some places weren’t bad enough for customer service in the first place, you want government to enforce a pay system which will effectively remove employees from having any incentive to work harder or better. I suppose you dislike the ‘bonus culture’ too? Why don’t we all just hand over 100% to government and let it distribute rations and communal housing?

You mention public sector pay, but you forget the perks you get from working in the public sector (pension, job security, clearly defined hours and none of the insecurity of the private sector). Very little risk is associated with public sector jobs, and yet you want to reward them more so than those who graft every day to keep Britain’s economy booming?

It’s a losing battle for you on this one. I don’t want to see anyone being exploited or deprived of opportunity, whereas you DO want to see people rewarded for nothing and businesses penalised for being competitive. Which is why Labour and the United Kingdom are in the state we’re in today.

End of rant! (Thank goodness this isn’t Twitter!)”

Canada Jobs-Immediate Hiring!

I just found a site that have many job opening from Canada. 

Below are sample list of jobs. I hope it will help others find their dream job 

Outside Sales Rep

Location: Surrey British Columbia

Salary:       $25,000 to $30,000

Funding Specialist/Closer

Location:  Toronto Ontario

Salary:      $75,000 to $80,000


Nurse for long term care- ederly

Location:  Shawville in Outaouais region Quebec

Salary:      $45,000 to $50,000

Design Analysis Engineer

Location: Grimsby Ontario

Salary:      $70,000 to $75,000

Heavy Equipment Operator/Class 1 Driver

Location: Edmonton Alberta

Salary:      $45,000 to $50,000

Dental repairs

Location: Mississauga Ontario

Salary: $40,000 to $45,000


For more Job Listing visit my site


It’s hard to believe that next week I will have worked at the hotel for two months.  The time has flown by…  I’m so very thankful to have found a job in this economy, especially when so many people I know through church and school and friends are still unemployed.  For the most part, I’m happy with my job.  I get along well with everyone (save one), and while I am struggling to make ends meet, I don’t mind going to work day in and day out.  My dad seems really disappointed that I’m stuck in a “menial” job.  At first he seemed excited that I had finally been hired, even encouraging me to stay with the company and work my way up the chain as time passes by.  Now, however, he is constantly talking to other people – in my presence, no less – about how making less than $10.00 an hour and working third shift are not things a recent college grad should have to do.  Au contraire, Father.  I’m thanking my lucky stars that I’ve got something at all!  It’s a different world now, and the Bachelor’s degree is the new high school diploma.  Almost everyone’s got one, so it doesn’t separate me from the crowd.  Apparently Dad started talking to a woman from church tonight about my lackluster job, and she felt sympathy for the position and offered to pass my resume on to “the right people” in her company.  Dad was really enthusiastic talking to me about the position she discussed with him – it involves writing for the communications department of her business and would bring in about $35k a year…a whopping difference of over $20k, as it were.  That was enough to make me sit up and pay attention, but I couldn’t help feeling a little hurt that my dad doesn’t seem to think my job is good enough for me.  I ain’t too proud to beg, and beggars can’t be choosers.  Regardless, though, I may just send the woman my resume for the heck of it.  I don’t expect her offer to come to any sort of fruition, but it can’t hurt to try.  The hardest thing about my current job – aside from the Dracula-esque hours – is the pay.  I’m not even getting the 40 hours a week I was hired to work, so my paychecks aren’t enough to cover the bills I owe.  Mom and Dad can’t continue to bail me out of my debt, and I’ve never felt comfortable going to them for help.  Maybe something does need to change, but I’m not going to make a big deal out of it if nothing comes of this.

In other news, I’ve gone and fallen in love.  Hard.  I’m so completely head over heels for this guy, and though our relationship is temporarily long-distance, my heart has never been so convinced of itself before now.  We’ve known each other since I was 14 – making our acquaintance period over 11 years – but we took our friendship a step farther several months ago and began talking exclusively to one another.  We met up for a long romantic weekend in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, and our feelings for each other were solidifed.  I’ve been on Cloud Nine since then, and I don’t foresee myself coming down anytime soon!  His smile melts me, his laughter warms me, and his embrace vivifies me.  I can’t remember ever being so happy, and I hope it never ends.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Stage pour le Togo



Nous recherchons des bénévoles pour nos camps chantiers et stages au Togo

- Vous êtes un groupe d’étudiant(e) s, enseignant (e) s. Vous avez envie de mettre vos connaissances et votre temps au service des autres.

- Vous voulez vous rendre utiles en découvrant d’autres cultures à travers nos actions solidaires (camps chantiers)

- Vous êtes étudiant(e) s et vous êtes à la recherche d’un stage d’étude dans un cadre associatif à l’étranger…

- Vous êtes une association constituée, une ONG porteuse de projets à réaliser en Afrique

- Vous êtes à la recherche d’un partenaire pouvant vous aider sur le terrain afin de concrétiser ces projets

L’association de développement togolaise, à but non lucratif dénommé ADJETO, enregistrée sous le numéro :9112 DU 04/02/2004 au ministère de l’Administration Territoriale, de la Décentralisation et des Collectivités locales, vous offre ces opportunités.


Les domaines de stage et les camps chantiers internationaux :


Soutien scolaire, projets de dons de livres, aides aux enseignants dans les écoles, animation d’ateliers pour les enfants, projets de réhabilitation des bâtiments scolaires, de bibliothèques…

Période : Septembre-Décembre/ Janvier-Août


Accueil en stage d’élèves infirmiers, projets de sensibilisation sur la sexualité responsable en milieu rural, lutte contre le paludisme et promotion de l’hygiène, dons de médicaments, réhabilitation et construction de cases de santé dans les communautés de base.

Période : Janvier-Décembre


Programmé et appliqué depuis 2 ans, il consiste en la sensibilisation éducative à la gestion des déchets ménagers dans des lieux publics, organisation de kermesses sur le thème : « Etude de l’impact des déchets sur l’environnement », construction de latrines écologiques…

Période : Janvier-Juillet/Septembre-Décembre

4) ART

Batik pour les amoureux des couleurs et de la décoration intérieure, cours de djembé pour les mordus du tam-tam en vue de les aguerrir à la percussion, danse africaine pour améliorer votre musique…

NB : D’autres stages sont offerts en communication, architecture, écotourisme, appui sanitaire etc.…

Période : Janvier/Décembre

voici notre site internet:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Live With the Consequences"

Sometimes I read comments online by other people who say it perfectly. “skyrise“ posted this comment about a PROP 8 article at entitled: The Money Still Matters in the Ongoing Battles Over Prop. 8 As I bump this post up, I can’t help but wonder how this kind of governmental abuse (the giving and taking back of rights) will play out in Washington State, esp. after PROP 8 passed. This will be an interesting 7 weeks. BTW – It looks like the comments were removed since this first posted. Posted By: skyrise

“It’s funny, ironic, and sad how the supporters of Prop. 8 want their identities protected from potential public backlash because of their actions. ~ You know, there was no protection against public disclosure for the gay men and women who were swept up in their homes, bars, clubs, and the undercover sting operations that took place for decades – and still happen today. These people had everything published for everyone to see. They experienced backlash in the loss of their jobs, income, families, and relationships. Anti-gay supporters had no sympathy for these people. ~ Therefore there should be no sympathy for anti-gay supporters now. “You make those choices, then you live with the consequences”, as these people were told. Well, now maybe you see a little bit how it feels. ~ It’s amazing how most bullies lay down, curl up in a ball, and cry like their victims when they receive what they were dishing out. So, you made your choice, now, get ready to go public and Live With The Consequences.“ ————————————–

This is not a “threat”…more of a prediction…but I truly believe that one day a Queer person who has lost a child, home, spouse, pension, and/or job to Federal Inequality will put a bullet through the head of people like Huckabee, Warren, etc., and others who are obsessed with influencing “civil” law so it PERMANENTLY EXCLUDES our families from the same governmental protections ALL Americans deem essential (protections that would NOT EXIST unless society thought they WERE essential…..for the heterosexuals).

ALL of the above horrors have already happened and continue to happen to many families and their children due to marriage inequality.

Why isn’t this LEGAL HATRED of our family seen as the

VIOLENCE that it really is?

  • Cause & Effect
  • Laws Have Consequences
  • So Does H8


H8-ters will need to

Take Responsibility for the

Suffering THEY create.


44444444444444THIS JUST IN ~ #1

Looks like a 3rd comment has appeared, and THIS kind of attitude is precisely why more Q Americans will arm themselves with weapons this year. This person is TAKING GLEE in our suffering. We do no harm. We try to protect our loved ones. Yet this *sshole [rfetp] is allowed to vote away MY DUE CIVIL RIGHTS while enjoying the sadism:

“WOW !!

skyrise and johnbisceglia have their

HATE-O-METERS pegged out!!

Nothing as fun as watching the 3%’ers

scream in pain.”


44444444444444THIS JUST IN ~ #2

dsgonzale6 adds sanity back to the mix with the 4th comment:

“rfetp, someone who says that they find

Amusement in the pain of others is usually

Classified as a Sociopath.”


Uh…Nail, you just got hit on the Head.

KCL Bioinformatics job

A position is available for a postdoctoral researcher with experience of analysing high throughput genomic data and software programming skills.

The post holder will be responsible for the development of scientific methodologies and IT solutions for the analysis and interpretation of high-throughput genomic data. They will be part of the Bioinformatics Team of the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Research Unit, working on the identification of novel therapeutic targets for triple-negative breast cancers.

This post will be based on the Guy’s Hospital campus of King’s College London.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Erster Tag im neuen Job

Morgen ist mein erster Tag. Ich bin natürlich nervös. So lange in der freien Freiheit gelebt, jetzt wird mich der Wecker auf die Spur der anderen Bürohengste bringen. Ach wie schön, wieder mit der DB unterwegs. Sänk ju for träwelling…Aber -uah, so früh aufstehen.:-)

Ich habe mich mal wieder so halbschlau gesurft und mir angeschaut, was man so für Tipps bekommt für den Beginn im neuen Job.Entweder hier oder hier.

Na, doll sind die Tipps nich. Eigentlich selbstverständlich: offen sein, angemessen gekleidet, Notizen machen und Umgangsformen beachten. Höhöhö, folgender Rat ist spaßig: Vorsichtig fragen: “Nehmen Sie mich mit in die Kantine?”

Klingt wie ein Kind, das fragt, ob die Mama es mit auf den Spielplatz nimmt.

Wird schon.

Aus gegebenen Anlass mal was zum gucken. Kessler kann es zwar eindeutig besser, passt aber grad so schön:

© Simone

1 Samuel 4: Death of the High Priest, Life of the Word

The prophecies of 1 Samuel 2 and 3 come to fruition in chapter 4 where the focus once again is on Samuel – that his word came to Israel.  What is the significance of his word in comparison to the words of the High Priest?  These are words which bore much implication, that would make the two ears of the Israelites tingle – that the High Priest of Israel, along with his household, would perish forever without mediation.  All the previous judges have succeeded in one sense or another in striving against Israel’s enemy and reformation of internal strife; but Eli is a fallen judge who died in this chapter as an empty shell of a priest.

At first sight, the threat seems to affect only Eli, Hophni and Phinehas.  However, the LORD’s punishment extends from the head of Israel to the body congregation.  The implication of Eli’s household being removed is fully realised in this chapter:  the physical ark inherently cannot save for it symbolises the throne room of the Father, but the Father Son and Spirit are not with Israel in their ordeal against the Philistines; 4000 Israelites die as a result of the Lord’s permission.  “Why has the LORD defeated us today before the Philistines?” – indeed, even the Israelites know that the Philistines, no matter how mighty, could not strive even a moment against Israel if she is mediated by the High Priest.  The Levitical traditions laid out in the first few chapters of Leviticus, with the pinnacle of the Day of Atonement in Leviticus 16, represent the utter importance of the holiness of this typological Mediator.  Yet, Eli has failed – and what strikes fear in the Old Testament Church’s heart is not only how astounding it is to hear of the removal of this great priest; but that his prophesied removal is the first ever heard of – and that without mediation, Israel would be the subject of judgment.  Where is the bull offering for the anointed priest’s sin (Leviticus 4:3)?  Is Samuel the man who acts presumptuously in the place of the High Priest (Deuteronomy 17:12)?  Both answers result in the negative: there is no sacrifice, for Eli has spat upon it.  There is no high priest in the household of Eli, for Samuel is the one who now receives revelation from the Son who made and is making the Father known to him.  Eli stands far away from enemy lines (v.13), though for victory to be ensured, he must proclaim success at the head of the army:

Deu 20:1-4  “When you go out to war against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and an army larger than your own, you shall not be afraid of them, for the LORD your God is with you, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt.  (2)  And when you draw near to the battle, the priest shall come forward and speak to the people (3)  and shall say to them, ‘Hear, O Israel, today you are drawing near for battle against your enemies: let not your heart faint. Do not fear or panic or be in dread of them,  (4)  for the LORD your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.’

Once again, where is the priest?  He is dead.  He was spiritually dead before his neck broke (v.18), but his death is to lead to the death of the congregation.  The pugilist (Hophni) and mouth of the serpent (Phinehas) were both the seed of Eli.  Is this man worthy of his name – of ascension?  By no means – he has harboured the seed of Satan and the seed of strife in his house against His will (c.f. chapter 2v.29).  And thus, Eli’s contribution as judge of Israel has not been a contribution of glory like the previous judges before him.  He did not live by the Spirit’s direction, and instead was used as an example of the fallen house of the congregation Israel.  The pain of childbirth, the immediate curse upon Eve after the fall of man, is for the first time mentioned in Scripture since Genesis 3 – and it is in the context of the descendant of the fallen High Priest, a huge contrast to the picture of doxology in Hannah’s childbirth.  Where Eli’s daughter-in-law wept because the glory has left Israel (v.22), Hannah’s weeping are tears of joy because the glory has not left Israel entirely, but that the LORD has left a remnant within Israel who are spiritually circumcised as voiced beautifully in her praise song in chapter 2.  Light has entered the world, when Israel was at its height of darkness, though this microcosm is to have a fuller display in the Assyrian and Babylonian captivity of God’s “chosen” nation.

And what of the neglected ark?  It is captured, but it does not lose its symbolism as the Father’s throne seat.  It is here that we see the glory being returned to where Israel first battled against the Philistines.  The encampment, Ebenezer, the stone of help, was the very stone of stumbling (1 Peter 2:8) which burdened the Israelites; yet by the return of the ark at the side of Samuel in 1 Samuel 7:

1Sa 7:12-13  Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen and called its name Ebenezer; for he said, “Till now the LORD has helped us.”  (13)  So the Philistines were subdued and did not again enter the territory of Israel. And the hand of the LORD was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel.

Thus, true salvation came not through Eli.  Nor through the ark of the covenant.  Especially not through the might of Israel.  For Israel is weak; the ark an icon; Eli a fallen high priest – but Samuel was led by the Word of God who he met in chapter 2 – and standing tall at the beginning of chapter 4, it is by the word that Samuel conquered and rose higher than the High Priest.  Only through the complete deprivation and erasure of the household of Eli, only through the establishment of Ichabod – of no glory in this house – did the glory of the household of Yahweh return to Israel in the ark’s symbolic return; but the true power had always been the Word which even restores the ark to its purpose.  Only through the breaking of the neck of Eli could his headship be removed from that of Israel and be entirely replaced by the Head of Christ, by the true King David.  Only by the breaking of the neck of Eli could new creation birth be praised, as opposed to birth out of creation-pains of sin.  The death of the old Adam, of Eli, symbolises the born-again life in the Son by the Spirit as we are grafted into the true vine of life (Romans 11:23).

Thus, where the Israelites used the ‘ark’ superstitiously for their own glory, Samuel was used by LORD’s Word and Son to lead Israel to glory in spite of the widespread non-messianic Judaism.  It is not by Eli’s failed high-priesthood mediation that Israel is to be redeemed; but that Israel is to be condemned by the law, of the failures in fulfilling the high-priestly role, so that the Word can be the True High Priest and True and Only Mediator as established through Samuel.  So I end this chapter on the prophetic and faithful words of Job:

Job 33:23-26  If there be for him an angel, a mediator, one of the thousand, to declare to man what is right for him,  (24)  and he is merciful to him, and says, ‘Deliver him from going down into the pit; I have found a ransom;  (25)  let his flesh become fresh with youth; let him return to the days of his youthful vigor’;  (26)  then man prays to God, and he accepts him; he sees his face with a shout of joy, and he restores to man his righteousness.

OTB Baby!

Soju (소주) in a box

It’s no secret that I love Mexican food or that my favorite chain in the US is On The Border. The fact that the franchise has two locations here in the Seoul area makes living here even better. On Saturday, September 19th, I’ll be doing some filming in Gangnam and then heading over to the COEX for a little OTB treat. If anyone is in the area and would like to join me for dinner and drinks at 6pm, let me know. I’d love to meet you.

Also, on another front… our school is expanding and looking to hire another Native English Teacher for the December 1st term. If you’d like to teach in Korea, have a Bachelor’s Degree, and n commit to a one year contract… let me know. Our school is awesome!

Finally, I found something interesting while visiting my local GS25 today. I’ve commented on the drinking culture in Korea in the past (and I will admit that I like it). What I sometimes forget to mention is that since open containers and public drinking is a way of life here, most convenient stores have tables out in front so that you may buy your booze and snacks and drink the night away in front for a relatively low cost. But I got a kick out of this… Jinro sells a 200ml version of it’s soju (시주) in a box. It’s about the size of a juice box and is easily transported. The thing that I don’t get, is that per milliliter, it’s more expensive than buying a full bottle. When I get home tonight from school, I’m going to pop the lid and give it a taste… I wonder how good it really is?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

NFL Week 1, Go Panthers!!

So it is currently Sunday morning, at about 3:40am. This means that in a matter of hours the NFL season will continue it’s week 1 matchups. Carolina(my team) is playing the Eagles. I don’t think I’ll be able to catch it on television, because they’ll probably be airing the Rams game, but we’ll see.

I’m thinking about heading to bed after I write this, it has been a busy day. Kimberlie and I went down to the St. Louis Mills mall to watch the Blues practice at the ice arena there. It was pretty cool seeing all the players up close and running through some drills. I even got a picture with Ed Belfour(retired goalie) and John Davidson(Blues GM). It was a lot of standing and walking around, but it was a blast. The NHL season is less than a month away.

This week could be exciting as I’ll find out if I got a new job I have interviewed for a couple of times. It is as an introductory position with Club Fitness. I have mixed feelings about it. For one, I could make decent money doing it. On the flip side it sounds like a lot of work and it could be high pressured. I will have to sell memberships and do some other things, to work myself up to be a manager. Hopefully I can handle it.

Well this is a short little post, thought I’d just do a little update. Have a great night and go Panthers!


Saturday, September 12, 2009


I started writing this as an email response to Janet’s comment on my post.  And it got really long and I thought that it’s something I’d want to blog about eventually, so here it is. After I went to bed last night I was thinking about it some more.  I think I feel so frustrated because, for example, I get upset one day because I find something that reminds me of my dad (the serial code inside a computer game, the writing inside a christmas present book, something to do with astronomy).  So I get upset, and I process it and maybe I blog, and I feel heaps better.  Then the next week, the same thing happens.  Because of the way I’m built (I have a Meyers Briggs test to prove it!  But I didn’t need it to tell me…) I really hate going over the little stuff all the time.  I get frustrated.  So I just stop doing it.  But it’s not the same thing coming back.  It’s a new thing, even though it looks the same.  So then it all backs up and it’s like a cupboard full of old broken things and after a while I don’t even want to open the door because it’s all going to fall on my head.   So, yes.  Like Janet said.  Movement is good.  Movement makes it feel like something that I’m doing, not something that is happening to me.  It makes it feel like something that has, if not an end, then at least a purpose.  And essentially the blog is for me, not for you guys, although you’re an awesome bonus.  So I will write what I damn well want.  The thing is, I don’t want to write about it because I think essentially I want to be done now.  Which, when I think about it with my actual brain is ridiculous.  It’s not even been a year!  But I’m tired.  And we’ve hit the bit now where people sort of assume I’m over it, fixed, ok again.  I am pretty sure I am never going to be ok again.  That’s just not on the cards.   That said, I am also totally ok.  I know that I’m doing ok, and really, most days are frustrating but fine.  But I just feel a bit like if I put something out there that isn’t fine, people won’t have a context to put it into.  Which is silly because my blog readers/commenters have consistently proved to be the people with the best context.  You are people who know about grief, about life, about how easy things can be hard from the inside sometimes.  And I know that when you blog about the hard bits of life, even if that’s all you blog about for a while, I don’t hear it as whining or complaining or being gloomy.  That’s what life is like sometimes and it makes me want to hear from you more because that way I know when you say something is good, today was good, you mean it. I had a long talk with my oldest friend last night, who also works with me.  She had a modified version of the ‘I’m worried about you’ talk.  (I really hate that – then I feel bad because obviously I wasn’t doing a good enough job pretending to be normal and now other people are put out!  Oh no!  I failed as a human being!  Which, again: stupid, but tell my social conditioning that.)  We both agreed that something has to change.  I feel like my workplace – specifically a few of the people and the general culture – is draining my life force.  Which is upsetting because I love it there, and while I’m not crazy about all the people, I love the culture.  But I just don’t have the energy, and there’s not really a ‘turn up, do your job, go home’ option.  Everything is about being involved and part of the community.  Which is lovely.  Except then my community requires me to listen to long speils on social justice and then gives me typing to do about suicide prevention.  It isn’t feeling very supportive.  And since the pay is… not great, and a bunch of the awesome people have left recently, it doesn’t feel like there’s that much to stick around for. I had a job interview a week ago for an admin job in one of our unis.  I was apprehensive about even going because I’m not keen to be in admin forever.  Then again, there’s nothing else I specifically want to do so… why not?  Anyway, it turned out to be a really good situation (more money too), but on the next Monday I sent them an email to ask them to take me out of the running because there’s an internal job that is not admin that I have applied for.  The person whose job it is is super keen and talking to me like I already have it, but she’s not the one making the decision.  Also I think she just kind of wants not to feel guilty about it.  At the time I was all excited about it, although there won’t even be a shortlist for it until next week, but now I’m not sure.  How much would change?  Would the things that are making me want to crawl under my desk and yell at everyone to go away change?  Or just shift to the new job?  I’m pretty sure a change, any change, even the weather getting nicer, will help.  Currently in my job I am both bored and irritated.  So being engaged and irritated might be a step up.  And maybe I wouldn’t be irritated.  Who knows!  All I know is, after last week, I wish I hadn’t sent that email.  I wish I was starting a new job soon.  I wish I was working in that nice clean office on the eighth floor of a building right in the city with new people whose hangups and foibles I don’t know yet, who presumably manage to unjam the photocopier by themselves most of the time.  I don’t regret it much, but I regret it.  Enough to be considering sending the contact person an email saying ‘I changed my mind again!’ even though I’m almost positive they’ve already hired someone.  That would be silly, right?
