Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Is this it?

As a 2009 graduate from the University of Toronto, I’ve seen my peers succeed and others stuggle. The economic forecast loomed dark and heavy and employers were cautious. The Daily Show, CNN, Strombo, bloggers and newspapers all told us we’d be jobless. Some would have to pick up survival jobs. Anything would do, really.

Almost a year later, many are without jobs and most without careers. Luckily, I landed a job in my field at a small grassroots not-for-profit organization located in the hearth of the Region of Peel…at least that’s what I have to try and convince myself of. 

My job is an odd one. On the first day, I expected to have a desk, a company e-mail address and business cards. I imagined being given a tour of the agency. I imagined meeting people at my desk and filling out the obligatory paperwork. Instead, I was greeted by my boss, two cublicle walls and a desk that seemed to have been salvaged twice over. Turns out the not-for-profit comes with no frills.

[Via http://iamnotmeantforthis.wordpress.com]

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