Sunday, December 6, 2009

Superb Evening Job for Computer Science Undergraduates in London

This is a unique part-time paid opportunity for any Undergraduate interested in Software Development.

 Skills Matter is Europe’s largest training organization focused around Open Source Technology & Agile Software Development. They regularly hold events on bleeding edge technologies in their offices in Clerkenwell, London. They are looking for a pool of approximately 20 Computer Science Students to help with the filming and podcasting of these free evening sessions.

This really is a superb opportunity for computer science undergraduates:

  • You will receive £50 for the evenings work.
  • You will receive a voucher to attend one day’s worth of a Skills Matter course on Open Source Technology or Agile Software development, absolutely free, for every 12 accepted podcasts + articles. (terms apply)
  • You will have a chance to attend presentations from some top industry speakers on a variety of events and keep up to date with what is going on in the industry.
  • You will be networking with top industry professionals. Previous podcasters have gone on to get full time positions in major industry consultancies and become committers of major Open Source Software products as a result of their involvement in the podcasting.
  • You will receive a voucher to exchange for a free drink at the pub after the event.
  • Finally it will be impressive on your CV and a good talking point at interviews.

A few of our members have already been involved in this scheme. Here is the feedback from Ikenna Okpala:

“As a student of computing, it has been my desire to learn more about open source technologies and understand in detail what agile processes are all about. 

I have been filming events and talks for Skills Matter for seven months now. It has been a very good experience working with the staff. In return for what I do, I get paid for each video and can choose a training course. I have taken the Spring course and hope to do more if time permits. I also get to attend important conferences and events organized by developer and agile communities. At these conferences I get to meet great minds, participate, learn and get the materials free of charge from the events. 

This has greatly broadened my knowledge of open source software and especially Lean/Agile methodologies, which I am now ever fond of.”

It will be of interest if you are interested in the following areas:

  • Java and JEE
  • Ajax and RIA
  • Agile and Scrum
  • SOA and Rest
  • Erlang
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Open Source .Net
  • Apache and Tomcat
  • Cloud and Grid

If you would like to apply please send an email to please say that you have heard about the scheme through the Graduate Development Community please also advise of your chosen area of technology interest. For the full details of the scheme see here:


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