Tuesday, December 15, 2009

All Fucked UP!!!!!

Have you ever felt that feeling of being able to fulfill your dreams little by little? That feeling of being hired for a job and being able to work for a company that says they really do, “care for their employees…”? And, did you ever feel like you we’re betrayed and somewhat abandoned?

We did, many of us did! I’m just one of the few who we’re really affected. Affected in the sense that you we’re aiming for the sky thinking that if ever you fall, you’ll fall on the roof. But, we didn’t! We fell hard! So hard, right onto the ground!! We never thought this things would happen. We really felt we we’re secured, but we weren’t. We we’re totally geared up for the war but we lost the battle without having the chance to fight for what we have and to fight for what we believe we can do for that F****N’ COMPANY.

We we’re right there, we we’re enjoying, I suppose. We we’re doing the best we can for our jobs and for our superiors and co-workers!! We we’re right there. But all of the things that we worked hard for, it all disappeared in a blink of an eye. All the frustrations, all the depressions and all the hard works we put up, it was all put to waste!! EVERYTHING!!!! Including what we feel!! We we’re drenched, drenched in tears, I was!!

I bet you’d exactly feel the same, the same way we all felt!!! If you we’re sent to have a “TWO WEEK OFF WITHOUT PAY…” All the hearsay, a day before the DAMNATION was given to us, was sugar coated!! Sugar coated in a sense that, the program wasn’t closing and all! That the program will stay! But it wasn’t!!!!! It was not!!! That’s not the same assurance that we we’re given the following day!!

The following day, after all the DAMN sugar coating. They all hate to say it but they have to because the program’s at stake. We have to go to a two week vacation without pay for the program to stay!! Is that fair? It’s not a fair labor practice. And let’s say it’s not for labor, just for us, the employees. Isn’t it unfair? When you know very well that you’re doing your best, for the job!! Isn’t it? I believe it is!! All of us gets frustrated and really cries whenever a shift ends and we haven’t made a SALE. Even just a single sale. Our TL’s know that, the Shift manager knows that, even the Operations Manager knows that. They all know very well, how sad and depressed we get whenever we don’t meet their expectations.

We we’re really trying, oh! Not trying, we we’re actually doing our very best, up to the last ounce of sweat we have, we we’re really doing our best. Haven’t they seen that? Weren’t they moved by that?! Do we really have to suffer this!! Do we really have to lose our jobs for others to stay?! Won’t we get that same treatment? That very same treatment they’ve given to others?

We go to work everyday! With all the disputes and the salary not that competitive! We go to work everyday, with all the frustrations and depressions. Frustrations and depressions building up everyday, but we value our jobs, our families, so we still go to work. All that sacrifice! Don’t they see the value of it!!!! Don’t they!!!

We will never go back to that stupid company, ever!!! For all those who will have the chance to read this article, take it as an advice from the “EXPERIENCED” employees of Stream – Etelecare! Look for a more stable company that will compensate for your needs and give you benefits that you’ll really benefit from and a company that will give you competitive salaries!!! Don’t waste your time sticking to this kind of company that doesn’t value their employees’ hard works!!

© Yvette de Jesus and The Writer side of Me, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Yvette de Jesus and The Writer side of Me with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

[Via http://yvetz.wordpress.com]

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